Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ

The other day, Mike slammed pretty hard on a CD by a band called Jesus Christ. Comments following his review were pretty much universally against it.

Of course, you have to know I take this sort of pile-on as a challenge. I teased Mike maybe I’d do a drunk review of it, thinking I’d head to the youtubes and see if they had it. Mike went one better. He emailed me all the songs with this warning: PROCEED WITH CAUTION.

Challenge: Accepted.

So, the drunk review. I am well and far away into my cups at this point. I’m writing this yesterday, on Canada Day, and we sat on the deck and drank wine and listened to the fireworks – we couldn’t see them from here, but couldn’t go down to the show ‘cos the kids were already in bed. So, we heard the explosions from across the Bay. I thought of WWII, people hearing the guns firing in Europe all the way over in England. Probably not appropriate. But then again…

Anyway, I am sufficiently sauced on most of a bottle of a quite excellent merlot, and I’m gonna hear me some Jesus Christ. And here I wonder how many people drank until they heard Jesus Christ… many, probably. Totally a missed marketing ploy there, on this band’s part, that…

Anyway. Onward!

Peace By Piece would so totally have been right up my alley in about 1995. It’s very Alice in Chains. I didn’t have a problem with this.

Bed Of Nails’ intro is almost Ministry (I saw Ministry live, I can swear to it!). The song itself is a driving, stutter-stop thing (like NIN always did better than everyone else), with howling vocals over the top. It’s very… noisy. I liked it!

I Hate has a promising punk-like title. It wants to be Soundgarden, and it can’t, because there already is a Soundgarden. But I can’t fault JC for trying. It’s a pretty good mid-tempo rocker that freaks out at the end.

Censor Me has the time-worn yet still timeless 1-2-3-4 count intro, before blasting into a fairly unchanging wall of noise crash bang boom track. Again, very NIN without the keyboards.

Pity stomps its way into being over a Sabbth-y intro. This is the kid of track that would make a crowd (especially in the 90s) jump up and down. Was this the single? Sounds like it coulda been. Even when it goes to half-speed and tries to crush.

Broken is not a NIN track. It chugs along nicely, though. It’s a like a time capsule of just about every band of the period, perfectly preserved. Again, some Alice In Chain influence here.

Son Of Sam plods along heavily, intent on destruction. It chugs, it wails, it’s very Sabbath-AIC. I kept waiting for him to sing “Sitting in my Angry Chair…” Haha it’s not a bad thing.

Ace Of Spades. Hasn’t every band played this song? Doesn’t matter, it’s awesome no matter who does it. The strength of the song outweighs whatever band tackles it. Here it’s full-on Lemmy impersonation and a decent punk-metal rendition. I caught myself smiling during it.

Memories is pure Alice In Chains. In fact, I had to look and see it wasn’t their song. The vocals here are overwrought, but the band rocks well enough. Remembering that this was 1994, I’d say this was a pretty damn good track.

Find Yourself is another heavy metal plodder with howler vocals. It’s actually a strong album closer.

In Sum:

You can blame the wine if you want, I actually rather liked this! The way to survive it was to try to put yourself into where you were in 1994 (me, I was in university), and this would really have scratched a lot of itches for me.

One of the comments Mike had was about poor production. Sure, it’s kinda shitty sounding, but to me that’s just one of the charms. Remember, I’ve got lots of albums (punk included) where the sound was way worse than this.

Anyway, yes. It’s a lot of wanting to be other bands – AIC, Soundgarden – but it’s not a bad thing. Listening to this I wondered how one howler vocalist grunge metal band got famous when another didn’t… it’s beyond me.

This may be the only time I ever type this on the KMA, but I liked Jesus Christ. You can all go ahead and laugh. I don’t care. I’m drunk. But not drunk enough to be writing this just to take the piss, nor am I so out of it that my judgement is questionable. I’d listen to this CD, or at least put a track here or there in a mix. Sure, why the hell not? It was 1994. It was what it was. If it is $0.99 when we go to Taranna, I’m rescuing one and giving it a good home.

And ya know something else? If we’d seen this band perform these songs live in 1994? We’d all be fans right now, and they’d still be playing. These songs were built for a live setting.

PROCEED WITH CAUTION? Nah. Proceed to get your grunge metal on. This worked fine for me.

40 thoughts on “Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ

  1. Deke says:

    Man I wish these guys in JC would see all the press u and Mike have giving them the last few days I think they would quit there day jobs and hello reunion tour!


              1. keepsmealive says:

                Got them, thanks! Now, has this gotta be another drunk review, or is sober enough? Alos, I gotta get me a machine that moves cassettes to my computer. That would be awesome. I have some sweet nostalgic mix-tapes I’d love to have mobile in the iPod…


                1. mikeladano says:

                  I paid $50 for mine. Or, rather, Mrs. LeBrain did, for my 40th birthday.

                  I’ll tell you one thing (and you’ll hear this when you listen to the dubs): I had forgotten how BAD tapes sound. Especially after 20 years of aging.


        1. mikeladano says:

          Definitely pre-internet. It would be cool to dig up that old MEAT Magazine interview that Deke was talking about. I remember them saying, “If you take Jesus Christ as just a man, he set the world on its ears, and that’s what we’re going to do.”

          Yeah…probably not.


      1. keepsmealive says:

        Are you kidding? Christianity has been confusing and cowing people for centuries. Don’t need the internet for that. They can go old-school on yer ass, and PDQ.

        I suppose, though, if they’d chosen Jesus H. Christ, that might’ve helped a bit.


      2. keepsmealive says:

        In my dreams of the future, the ones where I have money to get things like this, I would have both a cassette-UBS and a vinyl-USB converter on hand.

        The only problem I can foresee, other than the sound issues with cassettes, as you rightly mentioned, is that if I had EVERYTHING that I own in .mp3, even at 128kbps, I’d need a bigger iPod. As it is right now my CD collection alone almost fills the 120 GB…


        1. mikeladano says:

          Nice problem to have eh!

          My next thing I want is a USB VCR. I have DAYS AND DAYS worth of rock video. Some of which (interviews etc.) can NOT be found anywhere.


          1. keepsmealive says:

            My lovely wife was asking about gift ideas for y birthday, I should tell about these wonderous machines. Although, I think I would prefer a vinyl-USB first, if I got a cassette-USB version I could get one for my 40th birthday too, just like you! One more way we’re music geek brothers!

            My parents have a VHS-USB machine, they used it to transfer all the old family videos. Too bad you don’t live closer, I’m sure they’d let you borrow it.


  2. mikeladano says:

    I very much enjoyed this drunk review!

    Now here is the second challenge. Listen to the whole thing again. Drunk or not-drunk, doesn’t matter.

    Then, two days later, grab the tracklist and try to sing any of the songs purely by memory. Either a chorus, verse, or riff. Any that you can remember, that’s one point.

    By the time you’ve finished, you will have a score out of ten. That’s your final rating for the album. Interested? Could be a weekend challenge…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Thanks! I liked drinking!

      Oh I know, I probably couldn’t remember any of it except the one that sounded like Angry Chair (like someone else, in other words). But I think that was the point, honestly. It’s noise, for the joy of making it. You put this in, turn it up and let it be as it is for a while. Maybe it’s their mistake to try to be like those other bands who actually were memorable at the time (Soundgarden, AIC, Pearl Jam) but hey, I’ll bet they had fun doing it.


      1. keepsmealive says:

        I also stand by my opinion that these songs would have been a shit-ton of fun in a live setting. The speakers cranking, the room all hot and sweaty, the crowd fueld on substances. I’m telling you man, just imagine it. Listen to any of the tracks and picture it live. See?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. keepsmealive says:

        Which, when you think about it, is kinda gross. ‘Cos it’s supposed to be their blood, right? I was always disturbed by that vampirism in Christianity. Take, drink the blood of our figurehead… But to each their own.


    2. mikeladano says:

      I’m really glad you liked it! Me, I didn’t get a fun vibe, at all. More like desperation. Like, “OK, our style if music is dead. What should we do? Let’s buy touques, tune down, drop the solos and climb on the bandwagon. It sounded contrived to me. I personally would probably not enjoy them live, if it was like this. Monotone guitars grating at my brain, no dynamics. I’m getting a headache imagining it!


      1. keepsmealive says:

        Well sure, no. But in 1994? If Soundgarden was off touring Europe, these guys woulda done in a pinch.

        I think maybe the point here, as it almost always is, is that volume would really have helped.


        1. mikeladano says:

          Yeah, go on man. I had a LOT of crushes back then! First time I dated a punker girl, I was like, “Well, this is exactly the same as dating anybody else…except for the stubble on her head.”


          1. keepsmealive says:

            Hahahahaaaaa stubble. You mean there wasn’t more attitude, more insouciance, more fuck the world in her stance? Did she sleep on benches at the bus station? Are you sure she was a punker girl?


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