Happy Birthday To Me, Pt. 5

This 40th birthday just keeps on giving!

To recap: My parents gave me Led Zeppelin I, II and III on RM vinyl. In the gift, I and II were single-disc, while III was the Deluxe set with companion audio. Mom said we could swap the I and II for Deluxe versions (so awesome). Arrangements were made, and a little while ago the gorgeous 3-LP LZ I arrived (and I posted a pic on this site as soon as it did!).

And then, this morning, the LZ II arrived!

The collection (so far) is complete. You can bet that LZ IV and Houses Of The Holy (due out in October) are on my Christmas list!!

Look at all of that 180g vinyl MAJESTY!


10 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To Me, Pt. 5

  1. Sarca says:

    Frig your Mom rocks! My Mom probably couldn’t name any LZ songs even though LZ 3,4,5,Coda and the Crop Circles Box was in heavy rotation in her house from 1989-1993. Her head is so far up Bach’s … ahem, not that I don’t like Bach… She doesn’t like the Rock much.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      My Mom does indeed rock. She couldn’t name a Zep song either, but when I said Stairway To Heaven there was a spark of recognition. She wouldn’t have known what to look for when she was ordering (my lovely wife coached her) but she probably just went to the Amazons and clicked on Zep I, II and III and, being the Amazons, the Deluxe and regular RMs were all mixed in. Hence the mix-up of versions in the original gift. My Mom hadn’t even noticed.

      Hey, when your Mom leaves the house to go grocery shopping, does she say “I’ll be Bach…”? And does she take her Chopin Liszt with her?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sarca says:

        lol, Damn, I wish! She is so not with pop culture. Though she has surprised me. My stepdad tells me she was all over the World Cup, pvr’ing it and everything.

        She keeps getting calls from “Windows” to look at her computer. I tell her to tell them to eff off, but she is too affected by being nice. I worry about her. Anyway, she doesn’t online shop or online bank. Still goes to the bank teller to pay her bills. She’s just not comfortable with technology. She waits until we go to visit her and then she hands over a list of things she needs us to do for her computer – remove desktop icons. It’s cute. Can’t hate her for it.


      2. keepsmealive says:

        My Dad was all over the World Cup too. He’d recap stuff to me since I don’t have a TV and saw exactly none of it myself.

        Oh man, when I worked as a teller at the bank, the number of people who REFUSED to pay bills or even do friggin’ withdrawals at an ABM… and never mind doing anything online. No, banking online is a magical place that only the cogniscenti with specialized knowledge can do. Er… Anyway, they would stand in long lines just to take out $20. Crazy.

        We have an older neighbour who thinks I am a computer wizard because I fixed her internet bookmarks. I went over to help just the once, just being neighbourly, and then it happened again, and again… Ah, I don’t mind. They’re a sweet couple. But for the record, I am not a computer wizard. Nope. I told her that but she won’t believe me.


  2. mikeladano says:

    I love summer birthdays too dude! We’ve done the cottage almost every single year, and you know how much I like that place.

    But I’ll tell ya something, those Zeps are just lovely. I can’t wait to see the next wave.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Cottage country is pretty sweet. Was just thinking about it – the town in which I was raised is equidistant to the beach as the town in which I currently reside. Neat.

      Oh man, those Zeps have got the MAJESTY. Very, very lovely. I’m a lucky guy!


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Hey thanks! It’s just another number, really…

      Now, I did post about it here, but maybe you missed this one. It’s possible. I mean, I know you usually try to memorize my every utterance… Haha 😉


      Oh man, the Zep is so freakin’ gorgeous. I was waiting to have them all here before I opened them, and I kind of got used to waiting, and now they’re all here and I’m actually struggling with the idea of opening them. Ugh – I’m such a GEEK!

      But I will get them open and I will play them and I will review them!


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