Jian Ghomeshi, Pt. 5

I think we all knew that, no matter what happens to Ghomeshi at this point, it wasn’t gonna go well for the CBC either.

Did the CBC lie on the Fifth Estate show?

Read all of this.

Also, they appear to have broken their own rules when they took money for Ghomeshi to interview Tom Petty.

Read all of this.


Former Q producer, the one he said he wanted to “hate f*ck,” comes forward:

Read it here.

Oh, and there’s allegations that the fix was in on who got to be a guest on Q:

Read it here.

Hell, there’s even a debate about what the guy wore to his court date.

Read it here.

4 thoughts on “Jian Ghomeshi, Pt. 5

  1. mikeladano says:

    This is Canada’s soap opera now. The story is a bit like Christmas. It’s a gift that just keeps on giving. The man is ruined forever and the CBC aren’t looking like saints either.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Well, it’s just how it’s unraveling. He is still innocent until proven guilty, by our system. Yes, it looks likely that he did all of these things, but we can only wait and watch due process. CBC sure doesn’t look good either. Makes me wonder how long and how far back this sort of thing went on.


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