The Weakerthans – Left And Leaving

Last night I stood in front of The 1.5 Wall Of CDs (TM), closed my eyes, let my fingers trail over all the titles at different heights and, when it felt right, grabbed the CD I was touching in that moment. When I opened my eyes, I saw the Universe did indeed have my back.


Do you have songs/albums/bands that remind you of places? I think we all do. Or maybe I think that because I certainly do, so clearly everyone does. Anyway, this album very vividly reminds me of James, and Saskatoon, and The Dank (and its crew), and seeing this band in concert, and buying all their albums, and loving every minute of it.

Full of ready-built classic tunes, poetry, longing, and that right kind of intelligent energy and thoughtfulness, Left And Leaving was exactly what I needed.

It’s a perfect album, in every way. Thank you, Weakerthans.

Play it (below). Thank me later.

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