Stephen Malkmus – Stephen Malkmus

This CD really reminds me of Montreal, and that’s a happy thing. A friend from that time, Pat, loved this CD too. We talked about it all the time. Of course, we’re both big Pavement fans, and this being the first Malkmus we’d heard following Pavement’s end, we devoured it like we hadn’t had anything to eat in days.

Well, people come and people go and, wherever Pat is now, I’m sure he still loves this CD (and he’s probably still a hippie, at heart). For me, I still think it’s awesome (and I even know where I am, most days).

Every song here is typical Malkmus, so if you’ve ever heard his stuff, you’ll know it’s quirky, absolutely tuneful, a little weird, thoughtful, lyrically staggering, hilarious, full of genius guitar work, and just a whole lotta fun to listen to all ‘round. Yeah, this CD is worth every second.

I try not to pick highlight tracks when reviewing albums, mainly because if you haven’t heard the record, and then I tell you the songs I liked, you’ll go into hearing it for the first time with those songs already in your head as ones to which you should pay particular attention. Well, with this record I couldn’t even pick one song over another, so relax. They’re all great.

If you haven’t got it already, go ahead and buy this record. Play it repeatedly. Let it grow on you (and it surely will). It may not remind all of you of Montreal, as it does for me, but it’ll definitely make you happier than any other CD you’ve heard in a long, long time.

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