Jon Spencer Blues Explosion – Calvin

Another Jon Spencer Blues Explosion release I grabbed off the internets, this single for the track Calvin off the album Acme is highly enjoyable. 

The title track starts us off with one helluva groove, equal parts raw blues and vintage soul shouting, all done up modern-style. According to the little note on the back, it’s remixed, so if you can tell the difference, good for you (it’s been a while since I played Acme, guess I should). Wait A Minute, featuring percussion and bass from Moby (of all the frickin’ people, ferchrissakes!) is classic Blues Explosion from the period, though it never really takes off at any point. I blame Moby.  I don’t like anything that guy does.

Next up is Confused, a track I love. Try it at high volume. Damn! When they want to, these guys can really chug out a rockin’ blues number, and this is one of ‘em. Worth the price of admission, alone. And lastly is Get Down Lover, which sounds most like JSBX to me out of all of these tracks, and with horns! This is the kind of track you’d want them to play live, ‘cos it’d really get the joint jumpin’.

Same as with the Heavy EP (see review), though, I’d suggest sticking to the main albums (especially Orange) if you’re just getting into the band. And you should get into them, if you haven’t already – what were you thinking? Hop to it. Right now. The Blues Is Number One!

Track Listing:
01 Calvin
02 Wait A Minute
03 Confused
04 Get Down Lover

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