Jon Spencer Blues Explosion – Acme Plus

I’m a long-time collector of JSBX records. I have quite a healthy pile of this trio’s screaming blues soul stomp in my collection, and I love every note of it. This band scratches that itch like no other. [Peripherally, I’m thrilled that the live record Controversial Negro has recently been re-released because that sucker has been impossible to find for the longest time. Fellow collectors will empathize.]

Near as I can tell, this is a UK import. Sweet. Here we have off-tracks, remixes and b-sides from the Acme record, and not one of them is a clunker. This set fucking rocks, just like you’d expect JSBX to fucking rock. Blue Green Olga remains one of my favourite songs of theirs, right up there with Bellbottoms. But all of the songs here are awesome. It’s another full-on record from this gang that has consistently proven that they know nothing else except unapologetically loud and brash, balls-out and swinging rock. So hot. Get your copy and play it at top volume. Yeah! The blues is #1!

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