Attitude EP

Attitude – Attitude EP

All apologies now if some/all of this is incoherent in the light of day. You see, as I wrote this, I was in my cups! A lovely merlot was slowly reaching the bottom of the bottle as I sat here and listened to tunes. Life is grand!

This is an EP I’d promised Mike I’d drunk review waaaaay back last summer. These tracks have sat in my inbox for months and months. The email even says I should wait until after he got back from last year’s Sausagefest! Yeah, I’m a little late on this one.


Holy Motley Crue, Batman! The vocals are Vince all the way, as much as they’re an amalgam of every other glam metal howler of the era, too. The guitars in the intro of On Your Feet even remind of Motley’s Dr. Feelgood. This is total 80s hair metal, and you know something, for what it is, it isn’t bad. It’s even got the requisite acoustic guitar semi-rock ballad about missing somebody while they’re away (Miles From Home).

In my emails from Mike, he said track 4, a tune called Shake, is his favourite. He’s right, it at least has a bit of a blues swagger to its glam sheen. The occasional machine gun drumming is a bit distracting for me, though – sometimes drummers can throw something like that in and it fits, and sometimes they do it and it sounds like they wanted to be sure they included that new trick they just learned to do, somewhere on the new tape! This is the latter. Probably my favourite is the last track, Armed And Ready. It’s bluesy and it really cooks. To me, this is the single, if they were gonna release one, at the time.

They later got pummelled by the grunge wave, changed their sound and became a band called Jesus Christ. I’ve reviewed that one, in these pages (also a drunk review!). I can’t decide if theirs was a wise move or not… Not the name change, I mean the sound… Changing up your sound to fit the next movement is weak (Hello, Bon Jovi!), but hair glam bands like this were getting crushed and sent back to their job at Blockbuster Video in droves at the time, so I suppose good on ‘em for trying to keep it alive however they could.

I liked this. It could be the wine talking, but I did enjoy it, for what it is!

8 thoughts on “Attitude EP

  1. mikeladano says:


    You know what’s funny, is that I got you to review it, and I haven’t even reviewed it yet! I DO HAPPEN TO HAVE an old cassette review LIKE this coming up this week though!

    I’m glad you liked these cheesy songs. I hear what you mean on the Vince Neil vocals…but this guy isn’t even that good.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Yup, as promised… all those months ago!

      I honestly thought you had reviewed it, but I didn’t even look on your site so I could link it… oversiiiiiight! Not that it mattered anyway, since you haven’t yet got to it! Well there, inspiration to get in there and give ‘er!

      I did like this stuff (last track was the best). I wouldn’t play it alot, but that sound pleases me sometimes. Damn, a second-rate Vince Neil. That’s gotta hurt!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. deKE says:

    Hahahaha man it’s amazing how much sense u make posting while blasted. I do mine sober and reread them and think people are gonna think Im blasted but I’m friggin sober!
    Machine gun drumming!


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Thanks Deke! It is a minor miracle, I was fairly toasty by this point (I did this one and one other… keep your eyes peeled…).

      Maybe I’m like Johnny Fever in that old WKRP episode where they were testing the intoxicating effects of alcohol in the announcer booth, and Venus got blasted but the more he drank Johnny got faster and better! Or better yet, I am Jackie Chan in the Drunken Master! Haha.

      I don’t think your reviews read like you’re blasted. All I get from them is passion for the tunes, and that’s what keeps us coming back.


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