Charles Mingus – Changes Two

Charles Mingus – Changes Two

This album was recorded when I was 5 months old. I can guarantee I didn’t hear it then, sadly. But I’ve made up for lost time over the years.

For some strange reason, I do not have Changes One here (I need to correct that). No matter, there’s enough on this slab of genius to keep an ol’ jazz head like me occupied for hours. It just sounds so damn classy, buoyed as it is by Mingus’ bass. It’d be easy to just write about him for this whole thing, but (if you can imagine) there’s so much more here.

George Adams’ saxophone cuts through the incredibly-named Free Cell Block F, ’Tis Nazi U.S.A. like a new scythe through wheat. A stellar opening salvo.

Album marathon (at 17:32 long) Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress, Then Silk Blue is a centerpiece track. It sounds to me like a big band jamming after the bandleader has gone home for the night, stretching its legs, having a drink and trying out ideas that hadn’t made the cut earlier. Especially great are the bits where the players just let loose with blistering runs of notes that dissolve again into pure lounge swing. Don Pullen’s piano work is absolutely glorious.

The album continues in brilliance from there, as you can well imagine. The trumpet work of Jack Walrath on Black Bats And Poles blows my mind. I play trumpet (poorly), and everytime I hear this it’s so bloody sweet. Everyone else cuts loose too, and it’s a beautiful thing. Duke Ellington’s Sound Of Love features Jackie Paris on vocals, and is such a sweet track, my goodness. And finally, For Harry Carney closes out the album with eight minutes of bluesy freak-out glory that truly pleases me to no end.

I also need to give a shout-out to the drumming of Dannie Richmond throughout this album. He’s absolutely spot-on at every turn. Damn, I love this CD. And yes, I really oughta get Changes One. For now, I will continue to easily love this one. You need this.


26 thoughts on “Charles Mingus – Changes Two

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Oh yees! You mean that little crazy free-for-all? Yeah that was spectacular. But even more so when they catch it before it goes too far off the rails, bring it back in and control it again. Mastery.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. keepsmealive says:

        I will also take this recommend. Don’t believe I’ve ever heard that one. Why does my memory tell me that one was rare? Amazon says otherwise. Could very well be my shoddy memory…


  1. J. says:

    Smashing stuff. Don’t have any Mingus in the collection and don’t actually think I’ve heard Changes Two (I’d remember, right). Gotta seek this out …


      1. J. says:

        Changes One is an exceptional record. Don’t own it, though I’ve been looking for it for a while. Two duly added to the list!


  2. KamerTunesBlog (by Rich Kamerman) says:

    Excellent review. I’ve been a big Mingus fan since discovering him when I worked at Atlantic Records in the late-’80s & early-’90s. Changes One and Changes Two were two of my earliest Mingus acquisitions & they’re very good, but the real meat of his catalog are his earlier recordings for Atlantic and Impulse. If you like this album (which you clearly do), I think you’ll be blown away by his classics.

    Thanks for making me think of Mingus this morning. His music always makes me smile.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Thanks Rich! I was totally in a Mingus mood, glad this little reminder can bring a smile to your day!

      I always approach these things with caution – what the heck can I say about these things that serious jazz people haven’t already said/written? So I just blabber away from the gut, never feeling that I can use words to express what I’m feeling when I hear this stuff, so I’m glad it made some kind of sense!

      I used to own a bunch more Mingus, some of the early stuff (though not all). I need to get me some more, for sure!


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Thanks Mike! I’m all for anyone adding more Mingus to their collection. I know there are some sets out there with a bunch of albums in one box, they usually sell for reasonable prices.


  3. deKE says:

    I have obviously heard of the name so it’s great to read some background history on Mingus. 17 minute track?! Holy heck….thats awesome especially for that time Period….


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