Ani DiFranco & Utah Phillips – Fellow Workers

So, all of these other posts (and the theme change) were distractions in order to give me more time to get caught up on the other stuff I bought in Toronto on our most recent trip there (a couple weeks ago). I appreciate your patience! Now I’m moving on to the stuff I found at She Said Boom! on College St. So awesome. Let’s give ‘er!

Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips – Fellow Workers

More Ani DiFranco! Are you shocked? You shouldn’t be!

Three years after their (excellent) collaborative album called The Past Didn’t Go Anywhere, here comes Utah and Ani with Fellow Workers. And guess what? Yeah that’s right, it’s super-awesome. You probably knew I was gonna say that.

Utah ranting away is always a brilliant proposition, he was a ranconteur par excellence (may he RIP). We’d all be lucky to hear more of him on a regular basis. Ani providing the backing music is the very same awesome, though she seems to let herself and the Mensabilly band (haha awesome name) stay in the background a bit more and let Utah shine. Good call (and I love Ani). We get Mother Jones (The Most Dangerous Woman!), Joe Hill, Herb Edwards, and Stupid while we get history lessons of things we likely didn’t learn in school. There are instrumental bits, tribal beats, old time revival tunes, Utah talking and singing, and a whole lot more. Even right down to the liner notes were written by Howard Zinn (The People’s History of the United States) and they’re great too.

This is an excellent package all around. I whole-heartedly recommend this record (and the one before it too). If you see it in the shops, buy with confidence!

fellow workers

2 thoughts on “Ani DiFranco & Utah Phillips – Fellow Workers

  1. J. says:

    I must admit, I haven’t been that taken by the bits of Ani that I’ve checked out. Not that I dislike it, it’s just it hasn’t got hooks in me. This, though, sounds like a right treat.


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