Alice Cooper – Freak Out Song

$2 at the thrift shop, I bought this on sight in case Mike needed it. He already had it, so here it lives.

A 1969 live show in Toronto, it lives up to its title: it’s a noisy, crashing freak out, alright (especially I’ve Written Home To Mother, and A C Instrumental). Actually, it sounds like a helluva party. It may sound a bit shitty on CD, but I’ll bet if you were in the room that night it would have been really something to see. It wavers between garage band’s first gig and barely controlled well-worn genius.

After 6 live tracks of Alice, we inexplicably get two Ronnie Hawkins studio tracks, Going To The River, and Ain’t That Just Like A Woman. Haha whut. Oh nevermind, I actually quite enjoyed them both.

This has got to be a bootleg. What a weird CD.

12 thoughts on “Alice Cooper – Freak Out Song

  1. mikeladano says:

    Some FYI for yall:

    The CD is sometimes called the Toronto Rock and Roll Revival which was the name of the concert. Alice was one of the artists opening for John Lennon.

    None of the song titles are correct. Not on any CD version.

    This is basically a bootleg / unofficial release but one of the earliest live Alice shows out there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Opening for Lennon? Haha this set would’ve scared most of Lennon’s fans away! 😉

      The song titles aren’t right? Nobody’s corrected that in all of these years?

      I knew it had to be early. So is this a cool find or what? Inquiring minds wanna know, Mike!

      Also: What’s up with the Ronnie Hawkins tracks? One of these things is not like the other!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mikeladano says:

        I am fortunate enough to own a fantastic book by Dale Sherman about the Alice Cooper discography. Dale, who I’m also fortunate to know in virtual-life as well, goes in-depth with everything he writes. I don’t think anybody really knows how those Ronnie Hawkins tracks ended up on there, though! However this release has been floating around in various forms for ages, and it’s never been corrected, as you can tell by your CD! And there are more recent CD versions, all under different names. The one I have is identical musically, but completely different in package and title and even song titles. That one is called Snortin’ Anthrax.


        1. keepsmealive says:

          Haha of course it’s called Snortin Anthrax. That sounds like a cool book, too.

          Well, it’s an oddity for sure. Since you didn’t need it, I guess I have it now! 😉


          1. mikeladano says:

            This is also a legendary show. Forgot to mention this earlier. Somebody threw a chicken on stage. Alice didn’t know chickens can’t fly so he threw it back. It was torn apart by the crowd, alive. The newspapers reported it that Alice incited the audience to kill a chicken and that helped put him on the map in a bizarre way.


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