Legendary Klopeks – Homicidal Suicidal Klopekticidal






First off, a word from our great nation:

Happy Canada Day!


This is a collaborative post with Mike, who is also doing a Klopeks review today. YOU SHOULD GO READ IT!


For those of you playing the home game, this CD is the one we visit every time Mike and I make our annual record shopping foray into Toronto. I don’t get to the big shitty very often, under 5 times a year, and this CD has been there every trip. I always think I should just rescue it and give it to someone who needs it. But I leave it, because it’s strong enough to stand on its own, and surely someone in the know will come along and give it a loving home!

I got into Niagara’s Legendary Klopeks through Mike. Apparently, he knows someone in the band and, knowing my love of this sort of music, he made sure I got a copy of the CD ages ago. I LOVE IT! It’s 27 minutes of bliss, and has long been a favourite in my collection.

The album starts off with a heavy, metal bit, then blasts us straight into 15 tracks of glorious punk rock oblivion. The music is strong, and it makes me wanna jump around and break stuff. GO!

Straight out of a tradition I love, from bands like Bunchofuckingoofs, Dayglo Abortions, Hockey Teeth, Five Knuckle Chuckle…  hell, even D.O.A., Circle Jerks, Bad Brains… the sound is there, the energy is there, and the musicianship is truly (really!) excellent. It’s heavy (that bass!), it’s fast, it’s rough, and it’s glorious.

It is real, honest to goodness punk rock the way it oughta be. It’s playfully vulgar and forceful, and it’s a wall of sound at 100 mph. Oh man I love this sort of thing. Faster! Faster! Yes!

Mike tells me the band made a second record. I need it!

If you see a copy of this in your travels, do not hesitate – get it, take it home, and let it help you achieve lift off!

Full marks. Thank you, Klopeks!

Track Listing:
Four Year Old Whore
Makin’ The World A Better Place
King Of The Hill
Party Party Parrrrtaay
Pink Stick Fiddler
Whiskey Stained Wife Beater
’66 Cadillac
Shows, Hoes and 40oz
Just Another Day
Punks For Profit
Goin’ Down
Darwin’s Theory

4 thoughts on “Legendary Klopeks – Homicidal Suicidal Klopekticidal

    1. keepsmealive says:

      And a Happy Canada Day to you and yours! We got to see the fire works from the deck at my folks’ new place, thus wisely avoiding the crowds! Result!

      I really enjoy this Klopeks CD! If you see it, buy it!


  1. mikeladano says:

    So I can’t find my copy. Looks like a trip to BMV is in order.

    I honestly think the second album is better, but I’m really glad you dig this!

    I have not yet heard their Christmas EP.

    But right now I’m rocking out to Terry and the Ass Pirates. What a riff! GREAT BAND.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Oh man, what a post that’ll make – finally that Klopeks CD will find a home! AWESOME.

      I now need two items: the second album, and the Christmas EP! I checked the usual sources online and didn’t find anything. Makes me think these things are long gone.


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