Oh, The Places I’ll Go!







It’s Sunday morning. Get a coffee, put up your feet, and follow my travels!

Yesterday I had the day to myself. And what did I do? Hahaha silly you if you said anything other than “go record shopping.”

I’d thought about going to Toronto, but I’d be on my own and that’s no fun. Mike was just there recently himself, and my Dad wasn’t available. Plus, it’s a lot of driving from my door to downtown, and traffic on a Saturday can suck, so… no. Maybe next time!

Instead, I did a tour of local spots recommended by the illustrious and industrious Boppin. Go read his blog. I’ll wait!

There follows a wee description of my travels yesterday, and the treasures I discovered along the way:

Walkerton – Scotty’s

I was back to Scotty’s, my second trip. You’ll recall my first visit. The man always has so much music I want to get, and I must be very selective. It’s always fun talking to the man himself, too. Today, I think I did very, very well:


Various – Castle Donnington Monsters Of Rock
Aretha Franklin – 30 Greatest Hits (2LP)~
Max Webster – Universal Juveniles^
Kim Mitchell – Shaking Like A Human Being ^
U2 – Rattle And Hum (2LP)^
U2 – War^
Roxy Music – Avalon^

~ a gift for my Mom. She doesn’t read this blog, but don’t tell her!
^ These were $2 each, but Scotty included them gratis because I was buying other things. What a guy!


Black Mountain – Black Mountain
Manic Street Preachers – Everything Must Go
Corb Lund Band – Five Dollar Bill
Townes Van Zandt – Live At The Old Quarter (2CD)
Diana Krall – From This Moment On

Report: The Monsters Of Rock LP looks unplayed. Score! The U2 were a nice find, Mike loved that I found Max and Kim, and I think it was 1537 who recommended Roxy Music…. Black Mountain was recommended by Bop, the Manics recommended by 1537 and J., and the Diana Krall completes (I think) my collection of her stuff except her very newest one. Corb Lund and Townes Van Zandt always rule. Woot!


Hanover – Flea Market

Bop then recommended the flea market in Hanover, though Scotty didn’t think I should go. I backtracked and grabbed lunch (hello again, amazing meat lover’s panzerotti!), and hit up the market anyway. Who knows, right?





Report: I spent an hour and a half going through all of his stuff, CDs and LPs. It was dark in there, and dirty. All his stuff is alphabetized by first letter of artist’s first name, so Frank Zappa is under ‘F’, etc. It took a long time to dig through. Gahhhh…

A huge percentage of it was nothing I’d want. He had a bunch of Dillinger Escape Plan CDs I needed, but they were all nicked or scratched. I did find three other CDs I’d like, and held onto them a long while. I went through his rock music vinyl room, and found a few I considered getting, though most were priced too high. He wanted $190 for a Beatles LP called Beatles Story. I think I got that one for free…

Most were in sleeves and priced, which is fine, at least you know quickly where you stand. When he told me that unsleeved unpriced LPs were $10 each because he has high rent to pay, I picked up a basic copy of Duran Duran’s Rio LP at random and said “You mean to tell me you’d charge me $10 for this?” Yup. Haha you silly man. I put back everything I had been considering, including the CDs. I just left. Wasted an hour and a half of my day. Scotty was right.

Will skip in future.


Harriston – Raven’s Nest

Bop had also recommended a shop in Harriston, so it was down the highway through my old stomping grounds to check out the Raven’s Nest. CDs were all $3 each (nice!), and several boxes of LPs to dig through, sorted helpfully into genre (mostly).


Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers – Drum Suite
Queensryche – Rage For Order (a Grail List item for Brother Craig!)
*undisclosed* – a gift for someone I’m not saying who, nope, no way


Duff McKagan – Believe In Me
KISS – Alive! (2CD)
Dragonforce – Inhuman Rampage
Barstool Prophets – Last Of The Big Game Hunters

Report: Art Blakey on LP for cheap? Hells yes. And a couple of LPs for other folks. Cool! I’d wanted that Duff since Mike mentioned it, KISS Alive! is one I’ve meant to get for years because Mike keeps telling me how awesome it is. Dragonforce was an impulse grab but I’ll give it a go, and Barstool Prophets was one I still needed to get.


Williamsford – Williamsford Mill

Rolling back north towards home, I noticed our other car in the parking lot of the Williamsford Mill. I found my lovely wife, our beautiful and rambunctious kids, and my Dad inside the shoppe. They’d stopped to check out the books! Before that, they’d spent their day together in Holstein at the maple syrup festival, and it had been a great time.

There are a few LPs here occasionally, but it’s not steady stock and usually there are none. You might get one milk crate of LPs to dig in if you’re lucky. But today I scored big:







Deep Purple – Made In Japan (2LP)

Report: Hells yes. The records are in mint shape too, though the glue has come loose from the sleeve. I can fix that!


In Sum:

And that was my day. It maybe doesn’t seem like much, but I think I got a ton of great tunes, and all for under $80. And I spent my day doing some of what I love doing: driving through beautiful countryside on a gorgeous sunny day, eating awesome meat-stuffed folded pizza and, most importantly, digging through records looking for treasure. 

My thanks to everyone for their recommendations, especially Boppin. The man certainly knows where to find records. 

Give ‘er!  \m/  \m/

32 thoughts on “Oh, The Places I’ll Go!

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Yup, my lovely wife and I do this every now and then, we each get a day to go and do whatever we want, the other takes the kids for the day. It’s a nice change of pace. Of course, I always go record shopping. 😉


        1. keepsmealive says:

          It really works out well. We try to do this once a month, but of course life gets busy and sometimes it falls by the wayside a bit. Our kids are lovely, but they are frickin’ BUSY (our boy turns 8 next week, and our girl is 5) and they’re both going in several directions at once, and both of our jobs are tiring and constant busy, so yeah, it’s nice to just have some space for a bit.


  1. J. says:

    Sounds like a great outing… and a great haul to show for it. Live at the Old Quarter is one of the greatest albums I’ve ever heard. To this day it still stops me in my tracks.

    A day crate digging, man… it doesn’t get much better. Though I’d be awfy tempted by a maple syrup festival!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Yup, was a mostly stellar day! Real happy about what I found, and there was a ton more I chose to leave behind (and will probably regret). 🙂

      I’ve never heard that TVZ, but everything I’ve heard from him I’ve loved, so it seemed a no-brainer! Thanks for confirming my instinct as correct!

      Yeah the maple syrup festival is pretty great too. They really do a cool job at that place. And the syrup is top of the line, done right there pure Canuck maple syrup. Ain’t getting no better! Man, I remember when I visited your fine country, I brought a bottle of the good stuff with me as a gift and it got treated better than gold!

      Heh, that was back when I could take a glass bottle in my carry-on and nobody thought twice about it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Heavy Metal Overload says:

    Think that Donington one is the same as the one I donated to Mike, but with a different cover. The Saxon and Riot tracks are amazing!

    And lots of my favorite albums here too… Made In Japan, Alive! Rage For Order… great haul!


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Donations to Mike = excellent idea! Especially metal. Oh yes. I can’t wait to drop the needle on this one. Rainbow’s on there too, eh? Niiiiice.

      The Made In Japan was a score in a place where I wasn’t even thinking of finding LPs! Double win! The KISS oughta be fun, it’s been recommended to me many times. And the Queensryche I’m giving away to Brother Craig. He’s been wanting original LPs of their records for a while.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. SpeedySailor says:

    Dang, you bought all of these? Well, to be fair if I had enough money I would buy many, many CD’s. I did buy Nevermind/Emperor of Sand recently, and next on my to-get list are Antichrist Superstar (from the good ol’ Marilyn Manson), The Shape of Punk to Come (I NEED IT!) and At the Drive In’s new album, Inter Alia or whatever the hell it’s called. ATDI are legendary and I’m absolutely loving the new singles they’ve put out, I’m hoping for a record of similar quality to Emperor of Sand with this one.

    Also, I wish we had all those record stores in the UK, they sound awesome, and I am aptly jealous. I mean, even Bristol has very little in that department.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      I did indeed buy all of these! I save up a bit, here and there, for usage on such jaunts. But honestly, only two were $15, the rest were $3-$5, and 5 of them were free!

      Nevermind is a no-brainer, and the Mastodon is too! Nicely done. Man I am loving that record. I don’t know too much ATDI, but the word ‘legendary’ makes me think I ought to!

      These shops are actually antique shops and flea markets that happen to have crates of records along with everything else. Definitely not the main focus of the places, but hey, people trade in the craziest stuff.

      As for Refused, do I have your email? Are you the one at skyt…?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. boppinsblog says:

    I also found that Castle Donnington at Scotty’s last year. He had a few copies if I remember correctly.

    It sounds like you had a great day.

    I hit the HMV in Guelph and bought a bunch of stuff at 80% off. Today is their last day, and I might even go back.
    They were really picked over, but I got a bunch of cd’s and a deluxe editions for between $1-5.

    Digging through record crates and eating meat stuffed pizza. Does life get any better?

    Now. If you have not played it yet, listen to that Black Mountain and soak in the awesome sauce. (Good headphones and loud volume)


    1. keepsmealive says:

      I’m glad we both got our Donnington’s from him. Metal brothers!

      It was indeed a great day. Lovely sunshine, open highways, and digging through the records…

      Wow I’m impressed the Guelph HMV was still open. Ours is long gone. $1-$5 is frickin’ awesome!

      I haven’t played any of my goodies yet, but Black Mountain is definitely up on the list. I’ve heard good things (from you)…

      Interesting: The guy in Harriston said that the guy in Hanover bought all the boxes of $1 LPs from the guy in Walkerton, which is how he got all that crappy stock on the shelves in the main room.


    2. keepsmealive says:

      Meant to add: it was mostly a great day. I was a little put off by the experience in Hanover, but this was absolutely nothing to do with your recommend. Maybe the dude was just on an off-day. He was solving all the world’s political problems with a woman from New York when I walked up.

      It was also quite a time even trying to find the guy – that place is a rabbit’s warren of booths. The Sally Anne lady sent me upstairs, which had about 5 LPs of religious records. Then said “oh yeah maybe you need to go around here to the giant piles of CDs and LPs to the guy who is dedicated to only selling those things sorry I should have sent you there in the first place I’m an idiot.” At least, that’s what she should have said.


  5. deKE says:

    Awesome post Mr Books!
    Donnington..whose on that….i have the 1980 one with Rainbow/April Wine/Riot….
    Cool finds..this was a great post to read felt like i was along for the ride as well!
    Get Lucky Boys & Girls !


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Hey thanks Deke! I wish you had been along for the ride! That would be awesome.

      Yup, this is the same 1980 Donnington you have, on delicious beautiful vinyl…

      Get lucky… GREAT ADVICE! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        1. keepsmealive says:

          Yeah it was a day of great deals. A couple of places added up my totals and then dropped it to what they thought was fair. Awesome sauce.

          Rattle And Hum is indeed GREAT. And this copy was freeeeee!!!

          Liked by 1 person

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