Manchester Bombing

News is still coming in as I type this (around midnight last night), but it appears that 19 people are dead and 59 others are injured in Manchester tonight. Police suspect a terrorist attack, which happened at an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena.

Two explosions were reported, coming just after Grande’s show had ended.

This news site here seems to be live updating, so by morning there should be more information about this horrible event. My first thought was of the Eagles Of Death Metal concert in France, another event where a bombing took place.

Keep your eyes on your news feeds (or the link above, probably) as more information becomes available.

Our thoughts go out to all Mancunians in this troubling and terrible time.

60 thoughts on “Manchester Bombing

  1. boppinsblog says:

    Fans of Justin Bieber have been asking for him to cancel his British dates.
    What a difference it is to just a few weeks over the Kansas shaming.
    I wonder if ticket holders will stay home and eat the loss.


  2. boppinsblog says:

    I just thought about something.

    Insurance. The insurance industry has gotten so ridiculous, it may become almost impossible for a club to get insured soon due to incidents like Manchester.


  3. boppinsblog says:

    Red Hot Chili Peppers are adding sniffing dogs and more cops to their security at upcoming concerts. I see this as the norm in 2017 and forward.

    My guess is it will up concert ticket prices as well.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. boppinsblog says:

        If a place holds 20,000 people, surely they can pay cops and digs at a few bucks a person. As long as it doesn’t add $10, $20, $30 bucks each.
        I wonder if the small venue shows for big bands are done.
        Seeing and awesome band for nothing or really cheap at a small venue may become impossible with security issues, and cost being a factor.


      2. boppinsblog says:

        The thing about many upcoming RHCP concerts is the tickets are already sold. Someone will have to eat the extra security cost.
        If not, maybe the band cancels.
        Perhaps split between venue, promoter, band etc.


  4. boppinsblog says:

    It pisses me off when I read the comments in these news reports and they are full of Pro-Trump rhetoric and hatred towards millions of people that happen to be born a certain skin tone.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. boppinsblog says:

    More reports out.
    ISIL claims responsibility.
    23 year old suspect arrested.
    Bomb was filled with nuts and bolts and was set off in lobby as many people were leaving, to cause most casualties.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. boppinsblog says:

        It’s a fine line for security. Too many whiners cry about delays. Like last week at U2 in Vancouver, or at any airport security. I would rather be delayed than die myself.
        Every venue I have entered in the last few years has checked my bag, so I sm shocked this did not happen
        Now I wonder if metal detectors and dogs will be next.


          1. boppinsblog says:

            Unfortunately, it will strict for a few weeks/months and then go lax again.

            Too bad for her fans that Ariana has cancelled her tour now. She is just a young person herself.
            She apologized as if it was her fault. Not my cup of tea musically, but she is talented and I feel bad for her too.


              1. boppinsblog says:

                Her press people say she is a “basket case” over deaths of her fans. She takes some responsibility.
                I know the fragility of the young female through my daughter. If the tough and road ready dudes from Eagles Of Death Metal can cry publically over deaths at their show, imagine a young woman that may still have an idealistic view of the world.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. keepsmealive says:

                  Oh for sure, that’s gotta be so damaging. I just wondered if maybe I’d missed something about her in specific. Like, cancel the tour or we’ll do another show, that sort of thing…

                  But heck yeah, I can’t even imagine to begin with.


                1. boppinsblog says:

                  Unfortunately ISIL wins in both cases.

                  I respect the bands fears.

                  However, I am going to love the big “Fuck you” concert aimed towards terrorists.
                  Maybe a free show with money going to the victims and such.


                2. boppinsblog says:

                  I am really tired of keyboard warriors. Hating for the sake of hating. What right do they have to slam a band for staying safe. Maybe a little paranoid. Maybe not now though.


          1. boppinsblog says:

            It seems concert venues are more concerned with you sneaking in alcohol. Or even water for that matter. They want all your money.
            I wonder if since the show appealed to teens, there may not have been a big worry about sneaking booze in, hence no bag checking.
            My guess is the terrorists knew through previous teen band concerts the bag checking would be lax.

            Liked by 2 people

  6. boppinsblog says:

    As a father of a teen girl that would have been at that show if we lived there, I can’t imagine the pain those parents would be going through.

    Dear terrorists: What good does killing teen girls do for your cause?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      My lovely wife and I talked about that briefly before bed last night. Why that show? It’s just heartbreaking no matter where it happens, though. But yeah, as parents, it hits another level too doesn’t it. Ugh.


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