Baby Driver

I’m on sick day #2, here. It’d be awesome being home from work if I didn’t feel like a plague repository. Anyway.

Yesterday, sitting like a sick lump, I watched Baby Driver. It’s ultimately a fairly predictable, dumb little heist movie with a decent cast and occasional bursts of heart, but that’s not the real draw here. Whomever did the music deserves a full damn raise. It’s some of the best uses of music in film since Forrest Gump, in terms of matching to scenes. They even time action sequences to the beats of the songs. Incredible.

And on that note (pun intended), the soundtrack itself is mighty damn fine:


But especially, the film will forever hold a place in my heart for its opening scene, the bank heist timed to the brilliant Jon Spencer Blues Explosion’s Bellbottoms (dammit I LOVE that song, that whole album… YEAH!).


14 thoughts on “Baby Driver

  1. 1537 says:

    I loved this film, definitely Wright’s best movie since ‘Scott Pilgrim’ (although I liked Ant Man). I was shocked to find out that ‘Harlem Shuffle’ provided the horns for ‘Jump Around’ – I’d only ever heard the Stones version.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      haha thanks! It’s just the film that first comes to mind when I think of how effective music can be in a motion picture. There are tons of others that have great moments, but FG was flawless throughout, on that score (see what I did there).

      Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      This one’s… OK. I’m a tough audience, though. I mean, it has Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, Jon Hamm, but I felt like they were playing the stereotypes not actually interesting characters. The guy who plays Baby was probably the best of all of them.

      Anyway, it’s the music that’s the best here, for sure!


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