Brand New Heavies – Shelter

And now we move to the 3-For-$10 Deals at BMV…

Pride Of Taranna Series Pt. 6: BMV #6, 3-For-$10 Deal #1 – Brand New Heavies – Shelter

I like the BNH, it’s damn funky music. Built for parties. The bass end is thick and poppin’, the soulful music punches all the happy buttons, and the vocals, provided here by Siedah Garrett (her only album with the band) are sweet and smooth and bring a real connection to the music. Some people were upset when N’Dea Davenport left, but I think Siedah did a smashing job here. I like them both!

Call it acid jazz, new soul, neo-funk, jazzy R&B, whatever you like. This music has soul, it’s fun, and most importantly it has the groove. The groove is everything. 

Hit It Or Quit It? This total party jam is a Hit!

6 thoughts on “Brand New Heavies – Shelter

  1. J. says:

    I was never much into these dudes. Wee bit too radio friendly for my liking (on the radio all the time. All. The. Time.)


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