17 thoughts on “Allman Brothers – Beginnings (2LP)

      1. cincinnatibabyhead says:

        I’ve been saying lately how good this band sounds to me today. Keeps getting better.
        ( Books. Throw this at ya. I’m looking for The Kinks ‘To The Bone”. Didnt pull the trigger when I had a chance and kept forgetting. If it turns up in your travels I’d appreciate a heads up. Thanks)


        1. keepsmealive says:

          Sounds like a Grail List item to me? Lemme know, I can add it, then ALL of the Community can help you look!

          Also, I haven’t been anywhere in months. I’ll be posting about it if/when I ever get to leave my small little corner of the world!

          Also: Looking at it, that’s a Hits set. Not talking you down from wanting it, just wondering is there something about that particular one that’s special? There are a ton of Kinks Hits sets…

          Liked by 1 person

          1. cincinnatibabyhead says:

            I have all the Kinks stuff. It’s a live version of a lot of their work. I think there’s a couple different pressings. UK and American. At the time I thought it was just a loosely thrown together comp but no it’s a concert they gave. Bad on me for not getting it at the time. Complacent and thought it would always be there. Not a big deal just bugging me. You steered to a place when I wanted an Ellington record a couple years back. Just fishing Books. Thanks


                    1. keepsmealive says:

                      Dude, that is precisely why the Grail List exists! I created that list ages ago so we can all help each other out, no matter where we are in the world. The Grail list is only for those impossible items you’ve sought forever, or that are available but prices are prohibitive. You just never know when you’ll come across something in your local shoppe that someone else has been looking for for ages. Instant win! It’s also a way to beat those exorbitant online prices – often times, in-person shoppes are way cheaper (even better if they don’t even know what they have and are selling it cheap!).

                      This Grail List has helped out a lot of people over the years – we have all had many successes for each other! Community!

                      Recommended you bookmark that page, or copy the text of it to your phone, always have it with you for your travels. Refer to it often!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. cincinnatibabyhead says:

                      I forgot all about your “Grail” thing. I’m on it now. Really good idea for a lot of reasons. I’m not hot on too many recordings anymore but I like the idea of finding someone else something. Cool. The Kinks and Ellington were kinda one offs for me. But nice to know these contacts are here. Later Books


                    3. cincinnatibabyhead says:

                      Very cool Books. I think Ray, Dave and the band are finding a new audience which is so cool. Even though I’ve been listening to them for years I’m still finding gems. I’ve been in a bit of a Kinks bender lately. Thanks for this. Poor Dave used to get punched out by his brother and Mick Avory on a regular basis. But they hung in there as a band.


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