Barenaked Ladies – The Yellow Tape

This was their self-recorded basement demo tape, and it drew a ton of attention to them. And deservedly so.

It’s only 5 tracks: Be My Yoko Ono, Brian Wilson, Blame It On Me, If I Had $1000000, and a cool cover of Fight The Power.*

But writing “only” doesn’t do it justice. Each of those tracks is a monster, just sheer brilliance in songwriting and/or execution. The early 90s was a fertile time for this group to explode, and explode they did.  

Yep, I own 6 copies of this. Every time I see one I buy it. It’s a rescue mission.

* I got this track on the Coneheads soundtrack CD, but there seems to be some question of whether it’s the same version as found here on the Yellow Tape. Does anyone know for sure? 



17 thoughts on “Barenaked Ladies – The Yellow Tape

  1. BuriedOnMars says:

    So, after we talked about it on the live stream, I streamed The Yellow Tape. Every song on it is different from what ended up on the Gordon album, and yes… Fight the Power is completely different from the Coneheads soundtrack.


  2. jprobichaud says:

    I’ve seen a few copies of the Yellow a Tape out in the wild (don’t know what happened to the copy I had of it back in the day) but I’ve never purchased it because I don’t have anything to play it on. And believe me, I’m not craving the old days play cassette tapes.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Yup it’s a rescue mission! Keep in mind, I have six copies but it’s been since high school to get that many copies… And yeah man, If I Had… was absolutely inspired. I love those early days of the band!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. steveforthedeaf says:

        I remember the first time
        I hear dog them. They were on some American magazine programme that they played in the U.K. on late night TV. They were a couple of albums in and making waves. They really stood out as completely different to anything else coming from over the pond


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