Site Theme Update

Recently I’ve started having issues with the KMA on my iMac, slow responsiveness in the page and it won’t even load on my iPhone. It must be an issue between WP and Safari, because Windows users (with whatever browser, like Chrome or Firefox, etc) report no issues. More research is required.

In my digging, I discovered that our long-time theme was retired (who knows when). So, thinking maybe this was part of the issue, I surveyed and tried ALL of the free WP themes today (yes, that was an undertaking in itself) and chose this one called Argent. It’s clean and simple.

Let me know what you think. I know you’ll now have to click through for more of every post, after a teaser of the first lines. I know the sidebar is gone – this theme only has footers and so the Search and Tag Cloud, etc are all in the footer now. I know that our tagline is gone, even though I’ve checked it to appear, under the customize settings. No idea what to do to get it to appear, then, on that one.

I also retired the spinning record in the header. It was cool, I know, but from a page responsiveness perspective, anything that might cause slower loading should go.

At least our Pages remain at the top of the home page, so the Grail List is still easy to access.

Anyway, let us know what you think. I have a list of a few other themes that were OK, so if this one’s terrible by consensus, it can be changed.

31 thoughts on “Site Theme Update

  1. J. says:

    Strange looking at the site differently after so long, but I like it, man. I’m a fan of post previews – really neat approach.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Strange for me too, but I’m glad you dig the previews – I wondered whether folks would want to click an extra time but Mike says through the Reader it’s still simple. Thanks for letting me know!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. J. says:

        Reader takes you straight to the post. Same as the email notifications. So there’s really no change. I always click on the post if I visit the site directly, so there’s no change for me there either – it’s really just the look.


        1. keepsmealive says:

          Awesome, OK, well of the themes (and I went through all the free ones and tried on every one, this one was easiest to transer over (customization-wise), which is good for me because after going through all those others I didn’t want any more futzing. Also, this one seemed to be among the simplest and cleanest. I thought that would improve efficiency – less to load, like the Google main page lol. All the other stuff (search, tags, etc) are all in the footer now, instead of the sidebar – this theme didn’t allow sidebars, to avoid clutter I guess.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Honestly, me too. Sorry about that, dude! But that theme was retired, and seemed to have been the responsiveness issue, so getting an actually current theme is an OK price to pay for solving that lag.

      Liked by 1 person

                1. keepsmealive says:

                  I know he wants that hate. I know he does it on purpose. I know that means he gets to live in our heads rent-free. Doesn’t stop my from hoping that someday somebody sets him right and truly straight so the message is received.

                  Liked by 1 person

  2. Lana Teramae says:

    I like that when I scroll my cursor over TBR, it shows “TBR – A” and “TBR – J;” that will make things easier when searching for your guys’ posts. The new theme is nice and it reminds me of something an underground punk band would use (or some kind of rock band). Either way, I love it!


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Thanks! I appreciate the feedback, if you guys didn’t like it I’d switch it. Those TBR lists were an idea that lasted a while and then faded. They could probably go, honestly. I like that you think it looks like we’re underground punkers, that’s hilarious awesome. Honestly I was just looking for a theme that didn’t require too much work transitioning from old to new!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lana Teramae says:

        Oh yeah I forgot that TBR stood for “To Be Read.” Oh yeah the new theme is great! Definitely nicer and more modern. I’ve always wanted to ask you why you don’t have a site icon, though?


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Meant to ask, how do you feel about hving to click through to get the rest of a post? On the old page everything was up front and you just had to scroll. Is clicking OK or just another hassle?

      Also, man, I wish I could figure out how to get our tagline back in the header. I checked the box, so why doesn’t it appear? Weird.

      Liked by 1 person

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