Site Update, er, Update

Thank you all for your patience as our site gets a new look. Feedback has been positive, so far, so we thank you for that too!

From my end, as I noted in a previous post, I was experiencing responsiveness/severe lag issues with the site on my iMac and iPhone. No one else seemed to have the issue. I thought maybe WP and Safari weren’t getting along. 

I am cautiously happy to report that, so far, I have not had one lag issue or error warning from WP following our theme change over the past few days, on Mac OS or on iOS. In fact, where the blog page wouldn’t even open on my iPhone, now it’s no problem at all. I have no reason to believe this will change, going forward.

Fingers crossed that this is all it was, that we were previously running on a retired theme that wasn’t supported anymore, so it was throwing up hairballs and causing the site to lag (for me). The new (current) theme seems, so far, to be the simple solution. I like simple solutions.

48 thoughts on “Site Update, er, Update

            1. keepsmealive says:

              Thanks Lana, I dunno. I’m just throwing shite at the walls and seeing what sticks. This collection is so big, I don’t know why I ever thought I’d survive going all the way through like this, in order. I’ll be here for years, at this rate.


                1. keepsmealive says:

                  I do listen to everything, pretty sure I have heard everything here at some point, usually not long after I lugged it home. But some of this stuff hasn’t been played in years. I like your method better, in some ways, keeping it to targeted purchases that mean something. Me, I’ve bought up a lot of this cheaply, and in a scattershot way. Add in that I love all genres, so I can always find something in bargain bins. Not gonna lie, it gets overwhelming. Today, anyway, I will tell you that you’re doing it correctly.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Lana Teramae says:

                    Ah some of your stuff hasn’t been played in years. Yeah I’m trying to avoid that, I want to make sure I listen to each album at least a few times per year. (the Justin Bieber albums are an exception as I only kept the albums from his hair flip days). Thanks so much Aaron! I guess another thing is I’m still young, so I have time to expand my collection. Cheap CDs are cool too though, I am a sucker for good deals on albums.


                    1. keepsmealive says:

                      Yeah that’s part of the issue: combine cheap albums with a love of most genres and a willingness to try new things. It results in stacks.

                      I think things get neglected ‘cos there’s just so much. Remember,I did two culls (in two years) that resulted in (roughly) 1700 items going out the door. And I still have so much.

                      Haha hair flips days. I remember those. I don’t miss them, but I remember them.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Lana Teramae says:

                      Ah, I guess it’s a good and a bad thing liking so many different genres.

                      Yeah I don’t get people with such huge collections because if they don’t touch those records for years or listen, then they just get dusty and forgotten.

                      Yep, everything after 2011 is a no for me! I liked that he was innocent back then with catchy pop hits and not dating *cough cough* Selena Gomez, but I won’t go into that haha.


                    3. keepsmealive says:

                      It’s a good thing, liking so many genres. If I had a warehouse, I could go wild!

                      The thing is you WANT to play them all, but there are only so many hours in a day.

                      Fair enough. I’ve heard Gomez’ name but it doesn’t mean anything to me.


                    4. Lana Teramae says:

                      Too bad you don’t have a separate room in your house for just your records.

                      I guess but what about the collectors that buy EVERYTHING? Even the albums they don’t like. Unless they bought those albums before youtube and Spotify, etc. existed.

                      She grew up on Disney Channel, that’s all I’ll say.


                    5. keepsmealive says:

                      I sort of do have a room to myself here, but even that has its limits.

                      Who would outright buy everything even if they didn’t want it? That doesn’t even compute.


                    6. Lana Teramae says:

                      Oh you do have a room for other stuff, interesting!

                      I’ve seen collectors on Sea of Tranquility who bought reissues of some albums they don’t really care for, of course, that depends on the band.


                    7. keepsmealive says:

                      Yeah I have a very patient lovely wife, she tolerates all of my collecting and guitars and whatever.

                      I wonder if those collectors are buying that stuff for the value rather than the music. And if so, for who? Are they gonna sell them thmselves and profit? Likely not. So maybe for their kids (if they care)? I mean, the number of collections I saw come through at my work where it was obvious the person died, the family didn’t care and just dropped them off for donation… No, better to play them and enjoy them.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    8. Lana Teramae says:

                      That’s awesome! Once again, you’ve got a keeper, someone who’s accepting of your interests, which includes music collecting memorabilia!

                      Geez, that’s a good point! There are collectors though that just buy the music to complete their collection and there are collectors that buy really rare stuff because of the value, like you said, but some also buy those things to have vintage stuff from their favorite bands. These music collectors must be rich.


                    9. keepsmealive says:

                      A keeper for sure. I was saying elsewhere, I keep telling her to trade me in on a younger model, but she keeps saying it’d be too much work to train another one, so I guess we’re stuck with each other! 🙂

                      Yeah I’ve never understood where folks’ money comes from, sometimes. Probably they’re way more comfortable with debt than I am.


                    10. Lana Teramae says:

                      “I keep telling her to trade me in on a younger model, but she keeps saying it’d be too much work to train another one, so I guess we’re stuck with each other! 🙂” Haha, I love that!

                      Unless they get paid to do reviews maybe.


                    11. keepsmealive says:

                      After 42 years of knowing each other, this is our level of humour. 😉

                      I would love to be paid to do reviews. Of course, nothing I do is professional at all so that’s a pipe dream, but imagine that. That would be cool.


                    12. Lana Teramae says:

                      Aw that’s so cute!

                      Yeah, tell me about it! I think it’d be cool to get paid for my blog, but I’m not quite there yet. Are you still at home everyday by the way?


                    13. keepsmealive says:

                      Haha cute, yup, that’s us! I hope someday you find a way to get paid for your writing, that would be awesome. And yeah, Ontario is actually on day 2 of a Stay At Home or else sort of order, within a general month-long stay at home order. All courtesy of all the dipshits who think they know better and hold bush parties and large gatherings despite the warnings so now our numbers are up. Sigh.


                    14. Lana Teramae says:

                      Yeah, that’d be cool if you got paid for your writing too. With your music collection and all your reviews, you’d be a millionaire if that was the case. Another stay-at-home order? I feel like you guys have been under lockdown forever. I’m sorry you have to deal with all those people that host parties nonstop. If it helps, Hawaii isn’t doing too good either. The tourists in Hawaii, mixed in with the looser restrictions are ruining all of our progress. But at least people are getting vaccinated. What’s the vaccine progress for Canada?


                    15. keepsmealive says:

                      Ha, millionaire? You’re sweet. Nothing professional has ever gone on here at this site by me. James, yes. Me? Haha no.

                      Yeah another lockdown, and our Premier just announced more restrictions today. It’s necessary, though, until the asshats get it through their thick skulls.

                      I’m sorry to hear Hawaii isn’t doing great – I wish it was better for you.

                      Vaccine in Canada? Rolling out slowly. Still working on older folks and frontliners.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    16. Lana Teramae says:

                      I’m sorry to hear Canada isn’t doing too well, and I wish you guys the best of luck for what’s to come.

                      Thank you for your kind words.

                      You guys are still on the older folks and frontline workers? We’re already moving to 16 and older starting on Monday. You guys have a long way to go, I wonder if it’s cause Canada is way bigger than Hawaii.


  1. Vinyl Connection says:

    Glad to hear you’ve sorted out the tech, Aaron.
    It’s confusing, isn’t it? Because when you click from the Reader, you get the WP pre-formatted version that bears no relation to your actual site.

    BTW, I see that you can now (via a convoluted set of ‘Help’ instructions) set your WP default to ‘Classic Editor’. Thank fuck for that, eh?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. keepsmealive says:

        I think “Block” was created by “Blockheads.” Now, if my understanding is correct, a Blockhead is someone who sees something that is functioning perfectly fine, and then (in a fit of narcissism and idiocy) thinks they can make it better. So they start futzing with it and feel good about themselves. However, they completely miss the fact that their futzing has actually made the whole thing worse.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. jprobichaud says:

          You are absolutely correct. From what I can see, all they’ve done is complicated things in the name of making things simpler.


          1. keepsmealive says:

            Yup, that’s been my point all along. Someone out there justifying their job, creating change for the sake of change. The fact that they had to write a whole page in their Help section about why they did it and pretending to understand why folks are upset about it ought to have tipped them off.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. Vinyl Connection says:

        Blocks are utterly painful. Maybe they work better for visual blogs or design-focussed sites, but I’m yet to hear of a music blogger with anything positive to say about them.
        Happy to share wha I discovered.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. keepsmealive says:

          Please bring it on! Maybe a post? Or a summary or links to keepsmealive at gmail dot com? I know we’re all fed up. I tried going through the Help and what I found all just sounded like workarounds before blocks become inevitable and the only option.

          Liked by 1 person

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