365 & Grail

In The News Today:

Today is my 365th day in a row posting here. Not a record I sought, but one I apparently achieved. 

Two Shifting Tides:

1) On Mike’s chat last week, I admitted to being overwhelmed by all the music (and stuff, in general) here, physically. It’s too much clutter, both physically and mentally. I’ve done two giant culls already, yet I still feel this way. There will be more.

2) I’ve been writing about every damn thing in this house, alphabetically (!), starting with 10,000 Maniacs on June 20, 2020 (that’s 314 straight days). Currently, I am only up to the Black Crowes. As radiohead said: “You do it to yourself, you do, and that’s what really hurts…” (Just). Something has to give.

The Future:

I will finish the Black Crowes (there are only a couple more releases to go). Then, I will call a halt to the madness of this series. And then, we’ll see what happens next.


Master Grail List

Also, in honour of this 365th consecutive day, I’ve re-organized the Master Grail List (see link at top of page). It is now alphabetized by first name, tightened up, and easier on the eyes. 

Reminder 1: The Master Grail List exists so we can all help each other in finding only those items that seem impossible to get. The rare stuff, or just too expensive online. Bookmark the list, or copy it to your phone. You never know when you’ll be in your local shoppe and see something on the list that someone else has been seeking forever, maybe even at a reasonable price. You could make their day! Community!

Reminder 2: At the link for the Master Grail List at the top of the page, check if your list needs updating. If so, let me know with a comment. If you don’t have a list, but there are things you honestly can’t ever find, drop a comment and we’ll get them added. 


Thanks for Reading. We appreciate and love you all. 

39 thoughts on “365 & Grail

        1. keepsmealive says:

          That’s an awesome idea. I was just looking at my shelf of music and books and realizing I have quite a few that are focussed solely on different eras or bands from these parts. You could focus just on bands from here and never stop writing!

          Liked by 1 person

  1. cincinnatibabyhead says:

    Shake it up Books. I always find that gives me a little inspiration. You have lots of music to share. No pressure just keep it coming when you feel it. Look forward to whatever you come up with, Hurry up I need more music. Im a music pig.


  2. J. says:

    Yikes. June till now and you’re just finishing up with The Black Crowes! That’s quite the undertaking… fully appreciate why you’d knock it on the head.

    Also, I’d have 10,000 Maniacs filed next to the Ts. That would likely have got you to The Black Crowes a bit quicker. Haha!


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Yeah it’s just too much stuff. I am defeated. I don’t have the stamina or the desire to plow through it all in a row – it’ll take years and years.

      Gah, that categorization conversation again! 1537 says it too. I just put the “numbers” named bands out in front of the alphabet names because I’m too dumb to stand there and think 10,000 = “TEN’ and go there. It’s easier for me to just go to the numbers.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. J. says:

        Personally, I’m all for categorising how you please, man. Mine is in an order that makes sense to me – it’s when I heard an album. Roughly. So it’s somewhat scattered. If you browse it you’d likely need a few passes to pick out what you are looking for.


        1. keepsmealive says:

          Wow, given how much I’ve bought, when things were normal, and given the 36 years I’ve been collecting, and given how much I’ve bought and then sold off, I doubt I could find anything if I went that route… I’m glad it works for you, though!

          One thing that bugs me is that I have things by last name, like ‘Robinson, Chris,’ would be ‘RO’, and then chronological within his section, but iTunes would have him under ‘Chris Robinson ‘CH.’ I’ve often wondered about matching the collection to that system, but it’d be a ton of work to move everything around, and I’ve already gotten myself trained this way…


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Thanks dude, I am my own damn fault. I wasn’t watching the number of days in a row and then one day I noticed and then it became, well, at least hit a year, so I did. And now here I am. The No Prize for achieving this milestone is beautiful, I must say.

      Yeah there’s just too much. I have started so many series, since 2006, and they usually fizzle out at some point. It just becomes too much, or I become bored, or distracted, or feel trapped by my own choice. No commitment issues (ask my lovely wife LOL), just thinking I don’t wanna be sitting here in 2024 still going through everything here, you know? It’s endless. And I will be paring down the stacks here again (nothing vital, obvs). The clutter is wearing on me.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. keepsmealive says:

          Well no, not everything is vital. I bought a lot on spec, because I got things cheap, so it added up quickly. I’ll still have a lot, but there’s stuff here I don’t need. And duplicates, like on CD and LP. Do I really need both? And so on.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. boppinsblog says:

            No you do not need both cd and vinyl.
            You need cd, vinyl, and cassette (also sometimes 8 track, reel, md, sacd, dat, different pressings, colours, test presses as applicable.

            I am currently looking for yet another pressing of Boston-Boston because I want a Wally mastered version.
            Apparently I have a problem.


                1. boppinsblog says:

                  It’s one of those “I want to compare the Canadian to the US pressing. But I want a Wally pressing. Nope. But this is a repress. Well ok, let’s grab it.”

                  Yup. I definitely have issues.


  3. boppinsblog says:

    I just found Borrowed Tunes (2 cd )at Mikey’s old store so can you remove it.
    I used it to test my new (old) Oppo cd/dvd/dvd audio/sacd multi player. The sound is AMAZING!!!!
    That cd came out in 1994 with Canadian musicians paying tribute to Neil Young. It does not include my favourite Neil Young song Unknown Legend though. It got me thinking that maybe Borrowed Tunes 2 would be a good idea. Neil has enough songs in his catalog and there is no shortage of Canadian talent. I might make this my project. I will put out some feelers and see if there is any interest.
    Can you take Borrowed Tunes off my list? I will send you a larger list which might one day include Borrowed Tunes 2.


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