And So It Went

I have the venerable STEVEFORTHEDEAF to thank for introducing me to this track on his wonderful blog (go Follow it now, it’s brilliant).

Built on a riff that destroys all in its path, this track is unstoppable. Catchy as hell, it sweeps you along with its message, and by the time the children’s choir shows up, you’re a convert and this melody line is burned into your brain.

Oh yeah, and as if all that wasn’t enough, Tom Morello works his magic on here too.


Crank it:

16 thoughts on “And So It Went

  1. Holen says:

    Taylor has a really good voice. I could have done without the f-bomb, but who am I to talk? I prefer if a song gets dirty, it goes all the way. The casual profanity just seems sort of juvenile, if you’re writing blue like me, then it serves a greater purpose.


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