Stephen Malkmus – Groove Denied

Ages ago I promised to tell you about some 2020 releases I’d meant to collect and cover here. So, in brief one-paragraph barfs, here you go…


Anyone familiar with his work knows that Mr. Malkmus has never shied away from the odd, the quirky, the ‘out there’ when bringing us his visions. This one goes pretty far afield, even for him, into loops and electronic noise and vocal effects. It’s a challenging listen, especially if you live on a steady diet of easily digestible music. But if you’re ready for it, and can really open your mind to it, this record will challenge you in way you hadn’t expected in a satisfying, ultimately rewarding way.

Here’s the whole thing:

4 thoughts on “Stephen Malkmus – Groove Denied

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Oh man, that debut is sooooo good. That one takes me back to Montreal, chilling on the rooftop with my buddy Patrick. Great stuff. I have them all, the Jicks stuff too, and you really can’t go wrong.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. J. says:

      Man, you’re in for a treat. His solo stuff is pretty rich… not all of it hits (I don’t think), but there’s loads Particularly the stuff with the Jicks.

      Liked by 2 people

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