
A message from WP today indicates we have passed 100,000 all-time views of our site.

Simply: Thank you, all of you, for coming by our little corner of the internet and sharing your time with us. We appreciate all of you, and your comments, insights and everything you do, and we share our grattitude with you.


Here are the stats it gave me (KMA since 2006-10-06):

Posts: 3517 (including this one)
Comments: 33432
Views (at time of posting): 100296
Visitors: 35392
Best Views Ever: 419 (2019-06-09 = RIP post for my father-in-law)
Total Posts With Comment Followers: 788

Followers: 473
Email: 8
Social: 0

Annual Site Stats 2021:

Total Posts (So Far): 216
Total Comments: 2887
Average Comments Per Post: 13
Total Likes: 2385
Average Likes Per Post: 11

Total Words: 45765
Average Words Per Post: 212

Most Popular Day: Wednesday (21%)
Most Popular Hour: 08:00 (7%)


Press This: 19
Twitter: 1712
Facebook: 1890

36 thoughts on “100k

      1. Lana Teramae says:

        And you don’t even have to post often, just whenever you feel like it. It’s no fun when you’re forced to write a post. It takes away the magic of writing and self-expression.


                1. keepsmealive says:

                  I am still at home. Haven’t worked since March 2020. I do leave the house once a week to grocery shop (my fun time, whoopee). We can walk around our neighbourhood, and the parks are open so we can walk there though we try to stay well away from folks. We have gone to the beach a couple of times, but we go after dinner and stay off to ourselves. The kids are finishing up their school year online this week.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Lana Teramae says:

                    Oh ok, so at least you broke your streak of staying at home for however many days it’s been since the pandemic. The parks are open, so are the beaches and restaurants, interesting. When I talked with Mike not too long ago, he said the covid cases are rising because people are not wearing their masks and refuse to get the vaccine. Are things getting better there?

                    Props to your kids for getting through a year of online school (almost).


                    1. keepsmealive says:

                      We’re still very judicious about where we go, exposures, all of that. That’s just us. Lots of people are going about like it’s all normal again. Our smaller area has fewer cases, of course, the cities are worse. We do have idiots here who refuse the vaccine. Down the hatch, I say. The kids did great, learned about tech on top of school and survived without their friends at very formative years. We’ll see what happens in the fall.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Lana Teramae says:

                      At least your area has people that take the virus seriously. I don’t understand why people can’t just take the vaccine (we may have to get the vaccine every year, but even if we did, it’s for our health). One bad person makes it worse for everyone else. I can imagine going a year of online school, but I can’t imagine two to three years with it. Especially since the online world is filled with so many distractions and some things can’t be done online.


                    3. keepsmealive says:

                      We can’t do anything about the asshats except hope they do themselves in and leave the rest of us out of it.

                      Our kids have done well enough with online learning. They’re smart and like figuring things out, but I know lots of kids struggled.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. Lana Teramae says:

                      True! I have darker thoughts about those idiots, but I won’t go there.

                      But how much longer can your kids last or lots of kids last with online learning?


                    5. keepsmealive says:

                      Supressing emotions isn’t healthy, finding a healthy vent for them is. Even just talk it out with a friend or whatever. Holding stuff in is more toxic than the thoughts.

                      Kids in general, I don’t know. Our kids would be fine, even though they’d miss their friends more and more than they already do.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    6. Lana Teramae says:

                      It just irritates me how the bad people don’t seem to care about the virus and the good people have to suffer the consequences. I gave up Def Leppard for those idiots. But I guess it wasn’t all bad because I got into more bands.

                      Yeah honestly, I haven’t interacted with my friends in a long while and I’ve been fine with it because I’m focusing on my writing, music, and youtube. Unless WordPress friends count as friends. But people from school, nothing. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t see your friends often, but that’s just me.


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