WP tracks streaks, if you post every day.

Today marks my 500th day posting in a row.

Yup. Maybe it’s remarkable, maybe it ain’t. But still.

500 straight days.

Here’s the chronology:


2020-03-20 I’m sent home from work. Two weeks, to lessen the curve, we’re told.

2020-04-03 Two weeks comes and goes, no return to work. Little did we know. 

2020-05-01 I begin a new series, The Skip 5 Show, where I’d skip through on random in my iTunes library, and post whatever the 5th song was. Aim: To do this every day for the month of May, 2020. The first track was Bruce Cockburn’s Sahara Gold. Classic.

2021-05-31 Goal success: I post a month-end, 31-song round-up of the Skip 5 Show.

2020-06-01 I decide to keep Skip 5 going, but I remove the series title and keep the numbering going. I also free it up to include whatever song may have been in my head or that I wanted to share. This day, Day #32, was Tina Peel’s Knocking Down The Guardrails from the 30 Seconds Over D.C. compilation. Cool.

2020-06-19 I post #50 in the song-a-day series, which was Teenage Fanclub’s Commercial Alternative. Great stuff.

2020-06-20 Thanks to long iTunes hassles, I had to re-start my iTunes library, at a higher bitrate, re-copying everything I had. Ambitious, yes. I lost some stuff, yes. But I would post an album a day, as I went. First post was 10,000 Maniacs’ Campfire Songs: The Popular, Obscure & Unknown Recordings 2CD set. Glory.

—And so was born, without much fanfare, the series where I began going through everything here, all the CD, LP, CS, DVD/BLU was born, replacing the random daily songs… As well as posting whatever else farted itself into my brain… This would continue for a long time, as would our quarantine with me here, home with the kids. A loose routine ensues over the next (almost) year…


2021-05-05 I post “In Which I Admit I Am A Slow Learner But This Time I Think I Am Getting There And Maybe This Time It’ll Stick,” about how I had been attempting to go through everything here in the collection. It ultimately failed because, frankly, I lost interest. It has happened so many times on the KMA, since our 2006 inception – I start something, it fizzles out. This time, I’d made it as far as ‘B,’ the Black Crowes, when I stopped.

2021-05-06 I begin a new thing, just posting a song from whatever I was listening to at the time, or whatever song was stuck in my head at the moment. The first song was U2’s New Year’s Day. I still posted about whole albums, now and again, but the majority were just a song, or some other subject entirely (guitar stuff, etc).

2021-07-02 I post about finally (finally) getting back into the thrift shoppes after all that time of not being able to go anywhere. Several posts of this nature followed (and continue). I post a teaser shite photie about my finds.

2021-07-05 I post about the stuff I got on my first foray into the wilds.   

2021-07-07 First post about recent purchases, a song from the Silver Snakes’ album Year Of The Snake, called Four Crows. Unofficially this begins a new series where I instead post a song every day from all the new stuff I’ve gotten.

—I post daily from each album as I hear them, amongst other things as well. Time passes, in this way…

2021-09-07 The kids (finally) went back to school. We have exceedingly cautious optimism that it’ll be OK, after so long of being so careful with/for them. The second it looks like things are going sideways, it’s over. They come forst. Always have, always will. 

2021-09-09 I sent an email to my boss, asking his thoughts about a possible return to work for me. Now I wait and see what his plans are.

In Sum:

I have been in quarantine for 541 days, as of today. I am still at home now, even though the kids are in school, until my boss gives me a re-start date.

I have posted daily for 500 days.

I don’t know if I will continue to watch the streak counter, or if I’ll be able to Keep It Alive, but I’ll just continue and I guess we’ll see what happens…

If you made it this far, Many Thanks for Reading. And who knows, maybe I’ll hit 1000…

22 thoughts on “500

  1. 2loud2oldmusic says:

    Dang!! That is impressive. The most I ever go is about 13 days in a row as I skip most Saturdays except one ever month. I hope you get that re-start date soon though as I am sure you are ready for it.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Impressive? That’s what she said lol. Dude, you do enough that maintaining a streak is definitely not something else you need to add! I am looking forward to a restart, but I have several hesitations as well – not just covid, but environment and physical ones for me. But it’ll be what it’ll be, certainly waited long enough.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mikeladano says:

        I have to admit those little stats keep me wanting to make it a streak. I traditionally don’t post on Christmas but maybe a little “Happy Christmas!” message isn’t out of order? I’m sure they have reams of analysts saying, “If we put the days in a row number it, it’ll keep the OCD crowd posting daily!” Well they got me. LOL


        1. keepsmealive says:

          Ha they got me, too! I ignored it for a while but was posting every day anyway, but as it got closer to 500 I found myself watching it again. They put it right at the top after posting, hard to miss.

          Maybe for days you don’t normally post, you could schedule something and let it do it itself, then just come back to it whenever you’re ready. I’ve done that before, especially since I try to post in the mornings, and some mornings are busy so I schedule in advance.

          Liked by 1 person

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