
I like Ryan Adams. He’s a bit of polarizing figure, but he’s been incredibly prolific and he does have a way with a tune. Finding Demolition for cheap was a score.

Now, I had not realized this: “The album comprises tracks from Adams’ unreleased studio albums, The Suicide Handbook, The Pinkheart Sessions and 48 Hours, as well as “You Will Always Be The Same” from The Stockholm Sessions. In 2009, Adams stated: “I don’t much care for this record. The rock songs are plodding and the quiet songs belonged to better records […] to make Gold as a compromise then to have to watch those records get broken up for Demolition was heartbreaking.”” (Wiki)

No matter, we still get to hear the tunes. I like ’em!

6 thoughts on “Nuclear

  1. 2loud2oldmusic says:

    Polarizing is an understatement now. After his scandal, when you would go in to a record shop, it would be full of Ryan Adams vinyl as everyone dumped them as fast as they could. It is a shame he was such a dirtbag.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      I don’t even know when he had time to be such a dirtbag, he was cranking out the tunes faster than a Pez dispenser. Alas. Reading up, it sounds like he’s had enough personality clashes with other musicians (I mean, how can you NOT want to work with Neil Finn?) as well as the awful and more damaging sexual/emotional misconduct allegations. I read that he did release the held-back albums, one even this year, but has he been cancelled fully or will he be back, do you think?

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