Today, I return to work after 590 days at home (or 19 months, 1 week, 4 days). Yes, I was counting.

I got sent home from work, thanks to Covid, “for two weeks” in March of 2020 and have been home ever since. I stayed home the rest of that school year and the entire following school year for online learning. I was a grade school teacher’s assistant (for two grade levels), tech support, and psychologist and motivator for two brilliant, active, bright kids. It was tough buoying the kids through being without their friends and missing all the activity that comes from being at actual school. All this on top of being chief cook, bottle washer, and maintenance man as my lovely wife has always worked out of town. Honestly, going to work would have been less work.

Recently our kids returned to school, and they are thriving. I emailed my work to let them know. After about a month I’m back, beginning today. Not quite the same set-up, but baby steps. I take what I get.

I had mixed feelings about it, as I’ve healed a lot since not being there, and I’ve just been home for 1.5 years on my routine. But I need time with grown-ups (so why am I going to work har har), and a focus outside the house. And money. That helps too.

So it begins anew.

22 thoughts on “590

      1. 80smetalman says:

        Highway to Hell was my theme song when I was in the service. The Highway in question was I-95 as that took me almost all the way home when I was on leave or extended liberty.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Hey thanks! First week under the belt, and all the old reflexes are back (like riding a bike). It is nice to be out amongst grown-ups again, I’ll admit, and the money will help. None of my managers or co-workers are around when I’m there. And these hours allow me days to myself so it’s pretty good.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Aphoristical says:

    Ooh, best wishes and hope it went well. I’ve been working part time from home for the last few years – kind of intimidated with the idea of having to go back to a full time job sometime.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Thanks, it went well! It was much quieter in the evening, I was able to get quite a bit done. And I can do three hours standing on my head. Weekends will be 6 hours, but that’s also survivable. It isn’t full-time, but I think if it had to go that way I could do that too. So could you. You can do it! They can’t intimidate you – you intimidate them! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Hey thanks, I’m just back now and it went well enough. Now I wait for morning to hear how badly I screwed things up lol.

      Yeah the kids are SO happy to be back with friends again. Our daughter went trick or treating (in the pouring rain, mind you), and our son decided 12 is too old and stayed home to hand out treats at the door. They grow up so fast. I hope your wee ones had a blast!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 1537 says:

    How interesting Aaron. At my firm we’ve been told we won’t be going back until probably March next year – a whole 2 years away. I have started to cheat and do go in occasionally every couple of weeks to see if it is still there and for a change of scene, but overall I’m very thankful I have had a job I can do from home.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Yeah man, that’s REALLY lucky! Good on ya for sticking it out. My place have been back to work (retail) for ages, I just stayed home with the kids until now. I am fortunate that they left me in their system and welcomed me back, for sure.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Thanks! You know, I knew they’d want me back, it was just whether I wanted it or not lol. You know what else, that same day I went in to get back in the system etc, I got a call from another place for an interview. So, if this doesn’t work out, I left things on great terms with the other place too. We’ll see!

      Liked by 1 person

            1. keepsmealive says:

              Very weird, indeed! Although there were Covid barriers and other measures in place that weren’t there when I left (naturally) so visually it was enough to remind me, I suppose. Not sure I would have wanted to start with a full day, you’re braver than me!

              Liked by 1 person

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