Happy New Year, Everyone!

I know I said it yesterday, but here’s to the best of everything to all of you in this new year 2022, from James and Aaron of the KMA! Let’s kick this year in the ass, eh? GIVE ‘ER!

No new plans for the blog (from me, Aaron, anyway), just more of the same. It’s only natural you’d check in once in a while for our far superior James content, but if you stick around and read any of my blatherings, I thank you profusely!

I had toyed with the idea of seeing more movies, and telling y’all about them, but this is a music blog and always has been. Besides, there are so many other excellent movie blogs, you don’t need me muddying the waters! I’ll stick to Muddy Waters.


This was the first song I posted when I started doing this song-a-day thing I’m doing, way back when. It wasn’t even New Years then. I just love everything about this song. I don’t like all of U2, but this tune I love. It gets stuck in my head, in a great way. So I don’t mind posting it again at all!

Again, best to you all! \m/ \m/

24 thoughts on “Happy New Year, Everyone!

  1. Lana Teramae says:

    Cheers for a better year with 2022! Also, I love this Muddy Waters bit: “Besides, there are so many other excellent movie blogs, you don’t need me muddying the waters! I’ll stick to Muddy Waters.” Great stuff, man! You should give yourself more credit for your writing.


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