Brace yourselves, folks, we’re dragging Mike into the jazz age on Saturday night with a Cinco De Listo show where Mike, Uncle Meat, Dr. Dave, Robert Lawson, and myself will be talking about jazz albums.

I don’t know what the parameters of the show are, really, except that it’s about jazz. The genre spans over 100 years and has taken many forms, so it could be anything… If it’s choosing five favourite jazz albums of all time, it’s an impossible task (for me, at least)… But fear not, dear Readers, I’ll come up with something!

Be there!

14 thoughts on “JAZZ HANDS!

        1. keepsmealive says:

          It was never clear to me, but I think so. I told Mike that choosing a top 5 jazz albums is a ridiculously impossible task so I’m just gonna go with 5 albums I really really like (with the understanding that it should be 500).


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