All That Jazz!

Last night was a great talk over on the Lebrain Train, all about jazz! Great folks – it was an honour to met Robert and Dr. Dave!, great albums, lots to learn… yeah, you need to watch this.

6 thoughts on “All That Jazz!

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Robert, I can only say all the same things to you! I truly admired your long-standing love and knowledge for the genre, and loved the entire chat. I felt humbled and learned a ton! Cheers to you!


  1. Troy E says:

    Just watched last nights Jazz episode. Man do I feel dumb. Musically dumb that is. I know almost nothing about jazz. I know many of the names but I do t know and understand the music. However, it was a very educational show that I enjoyed very much and I will have to dip my toe into it and give it a try.


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