Letting Down The Team

It’s Tuesday afternoon, which is as good as any time. I know you’ll all say don’t worry about it, because you’re awesome, but lately I’ve been letting down the side. I haven’t read much of your wonderful posts in ages and, honestly, I miss it.

And why? Time fills up, life gets busy with a myriad of necessary things. All blockages to my Reader. It stings more (to me) especially, though, after such a wonderful Community!! tribute.

So, all apologies.

And then I see the list of what I’ve missed…

44 thoughts on “Letting Down The Team

                1. keepsmealive says:

                  I really need to learn that restraint. Only so many hours in a day (as I’ve pointed out). But that restraint could translate to my buying of stuffs too. Man, I’m still having Walden moments.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. BuriedOnMars says:

                    Reading has helped me to gain perspective. I’m not into “self help” but learning about human nature, our history, and habits. So far, Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman, and The Achievement Habit by Bernard Roth have been great. A lot of it is stuff we all collectively know but understanding some of the “whys” has been enlightening.


                    1. keepsmealive says:

                      I have all the Harari books but the others are new to me and I will seek them out post-haste. I like that collective idea, it feels right. Check out a James Jani YT video about the toxic world of self help. But yeah, I’m sensing a shift, I dunno what it is, but it’s been over the past couple of years (while my actions completely negate it, of course).

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. BuriedOnMars says:

                      That was an interesting video! I was forced to read that Dale Carnegie book in college and the amount of BS in it almost made me sick.

                      I have had a lot of self help books recommended to me, and I haven’t gotten far in any of them. I’m very leary of quick fixes or people to claim to have all the answers. Thankfully, as member of three library branches I didn’t need to buy any of them and haven’t fed money into any of them, lol


                    3. keepsmealive says:

                      I’ve read a ton as well, mostly because customers recommend them or ask about them. I love how people ask a drone n a thrift store opinions about the content of books. I love even better how I can tell them! Lol. I live with a therapist, and the grounding around here is more like you were recommending anyway. The pop psychology is just that. But, like the Bible, if it helps someone be a better person, can it be all bad? Hm. Personally, I’ve enjoyed the spate of self help books lately, all of which have swearing in the title. As if that helps lol.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. BuriedOnMars says:

                      I kind of go back and forth with that. I can see the arguement for, “If it isn’t hurting anyone, what is harm?”… but there is also a strong arguement for how it can used to abuse and extort others. With great power come great responsiblilty!
                      I have noticed those books at the library with the “f” bombs and “BS”s in the titles. They come off as a desperate attempt to seek attention to me, lol


                    5. keepsmealive says:

                      OK Uncle Ben! Lol And yes, that’s exactly the thing, it’s attention grabbing. It makes the Reader feel edgy while they read it on the bus, or whatever. Tools. My favourite was one called Unf*ck Yourself. Very evocative.


                    6. keepsmealive says:

                      Haha yup. I did enjoy Sarah Knight’s books (or at least the gist of them). I like the idea of having a f*ck budget. Turns out it was somewhat what I was doing anyway lol.

                      Liked by 1 person

      1. BuriedOnMars says:

        I knew you were going to say that!
        For me, acceptance and moderation are the pillars of happiness. I accept that I will never get to them all. So, I moderate what I realistically can do. I have found the friendships made on here are better when we communicate over on several common insterests instead of trying to have an “every post orgy”. I know it is something the might not work for everyone, but it has been working well for me.


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