The Working Man

I reported earlier that I left my five-year job for something new. The new job is entry-level, not a challenge, but it’s an honest day’s work and, when I remember what I did before, it’s refreshing enough. I also put in between 17k-20k steps per shift, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

When I was hired, it was to be part-time but, of course like everywhere, they are exceedingly short-staffed (as evidenced by my not even having an interview to get this job), and I have worked full-time 40 hours for them in both of my first two weeks. I don’t mind, the money will help. I am watching to be sure they don’t take advantage, but for now it’s just needs met.

At the outset, I gave my availabilities as Mon-Fri 8-5, and I’ve worked Mon-Fri 8-4:30 every day since I started. No problem. On Friday, I checked the schedule for this week, and they had me Tue-Sat instead, and I can’t do it. This Saturday is my daughter’s birthday, so that immediately means I won’t be there. But booking me outside my given availabilities without speaking to me first, and just assuming I’ll be alright with it, is not on. Who knows, maybe I might be amenable, but talk to me first. And I dunno, maybe they thought they were doing me a favour by letting me have the holiday Monday off, however, if they’d talked to me, they’d have known I could work the Monday but not the Saturday. And, of course, my immediate supervisor is on holidays for two weeks currently, so he can’t help.

I asked the assistant manager what was up, of course he said it was the manager’s doing (and he wasn’t in yet) so he’d get to the bottom of it. Later that day I asked how it went and naturally he hadn’t gotten to it yet. Then, later still, he said he could do me a favour and let me off that day. Um, I’m not even available that day, how is that doing me a favour? This is hilarious. And I haven’t seen the store manager since this happened, that’ll happen today, so that’ll be interesting.

And then a co-worker said I was bold, in retail, to not want to work nights or weekends. Maybe, but for a part-time job I’ve given them plenty of availability, and frankly it is none of his business what goes on in my life outside of that place and it’s damn bold of him to think his opinion matters to me.

So, whether there’s issue with any of this or not, I will not be working Saturday. Instead, I will be home to help my daughter celebrate her 11th birthday. And I will be keeping my eye on the schedule and everything (and everyone) else to make sure nothing else like this happens. I have to think/hope that when my immediate supervisor comes back, things will calm down, though it shouldn’t need him for that to happen. All I ask is that they talk to me first.

It’s been a wild first two weeks. Gotta stand up for yourselves, folks.

PS Oh yeah, and they didn’t have men’s corporate uniform shirts, so I’m wearing women’s XXL and they barely fit my shoulders and won’t tuck in. It’s hilarious. Apparently more shirts are on order, so we’ll see.

20 thoughts on “The Working Man

  1. 2loud2oldmusic says:

    Most companies are short staffed. We have a tremendous time trying to find even part time people at our locations. It is a little nuts. Good luck with that and stay on top of them…they sound like sneaky BasT@#%s. LOL!!


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Nah, not sneaky, just trying to fill in holes in the schedule (like everyone else). They probably weren’t expecting someone to say no lol. Man, places around here are shortening their hours because of staffing issues. What I want to know is, what are all these not-working people doing for money?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 80smetalman says:

    It sounds like they don’t know what they’re doing. Wishing your daughter a happy 11th birthday and thanks for putting on the hidden gem of all Rush songs.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      They know what they’re doing, in fact it’s a decent place, they’re just severely short-staffed (like so many places), so they likely never thought about it. Thanks for the birthday wishes, hard to believe my little girl is growing up so fast. And yeah, that’s the first Rush riff I ever learned! Not that I can play many of them, or play them well, but it’s still true!


  3. Lana Teramae says:

    Omg it sounds like they’re totally taking advantage of you! You gave the store your availability, so why would they schedule you on a day when you’re not free? Family should come first too, so it’s understandable that you want to celebrate your daughter’s birthday on Saturday.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Not taking advantage, just responding like many are, these days – They’re short of people, so they do what they can, likely never looked at availabilities. I just stood up for myself, is all. Family absolutely comes first, always has. I left a job to stay home when our daughter was a baby, never as a thought about it except this is what’s happening now because it’s what’s needed.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. deKE says:

    At times they should never assume. You’re right though everywhere people are working short. It’s crazy the work is there but its up 2 people wanting to actually work!
    Glad it worked out for u but def. have a chat with the Boss when they come back. Tell your fellow worker to ‘piss off’ and worry about there own backyard and not yours!


    1. keepsmealive says:

      It’s still early days, probably never even looked at availabilities, just put people where they needed them. You’re right, places are screaming for people and help, so I may end up with a lot of hours anyway. As for it working out, I just stood up for myself. So many don’t, or are afraid to talk to managers about this stuff, just let them run roughshod. Not me lol. And yeah that coworker can keep to himself, that’s fine by me.


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