Long-time Readers (thank, you all! COMMUNITY!!) will remember the long-running KMA Master Grail List.

The KMA Master Grail List‘s job has always been simple: It tracks your list of impossible-to-get albums, your holy grail items… the ones where price is super-prohibitive, or copies are scarce, that sort of thing. The KMA Master Grail List is not for those albums you are idly seeking and/or can easily get. This is for the “never gonna see it” variety. You know the ones. They stick in the back of your mind, haunt your dreams…

By keeping the list neatly, alphabetically, and in one easily accessed location [at the top right of the menu bar on the KMA Main Page], we can all access each other’s lists. This way, when we’re in our local shoppes, or no matter where we are in the world, we can watch for each other’s long-sought albums.

Does the KMA Master Grail List (and this system) work? Heck yeah it does, we’ve had several times where someone found what someone else had long-wanted! It’s an AWESOME feeling all around!

So, if you’re on the KMA Master Grail List already, have a quick look and make sure your list is up to date. Any changes can be dropped in the comments below and we’ll update you. If you’re not on the list yet, and you have a short list of some elusive albums that you think the COMMUNITY can help you find, drop a comment and we’ll get you added.

If ever there were a project that screamed COMMUNITY!!!, this would be an excellent example.

The KMA Master Grail List. It works!



  1. Holen says:

    I don’t remember my list having anything other than the Anal Cunt album! I’m looking for the early albums by The dB’s, I wouldn’t say put it on the list quite yet though.


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