Block Head

Folks this is a call for help with WordPress. Yes, after all this time.

If you like the block editor, you can disregard this post and skip commenting. If you have work-arounds that will help me, read on…

For some reason, with this new computer, I am inexplicably back to full block editor on WP. This shouldn’t be, as WP is web-based (I know this), but I’d believe there’s a Mac-WP conspiracy that reset something to make my life difficult. I haven’t changed anything myself, anyway.

I Googled how to do it and it’s all plug-ins or adding code somewhere, and I will do neither thing because I am a tech wizard (sarcasm) and would probably crash the site.

I mostly just want to get rid of that damn pop-up toolbar everywhere when creating new posts, the one that (completely) visually blocks text so you can’t see what you just wrote (which is garbage) and you have to extra-click away just to be able to see what you just wrote (which is a terrible user experience). Worse when you want to go back and add something in an earlier block. Brutal.

Under the + sign on the top left I saw a thing called Classic, is that all it is? In my fragmented memory, I know some of you had pro user tips on how to make this WP experience better, I just can’t remember what they were or if it really is that simple.

Drop your pro user tip in the comments! Please!

26 thoughts on “Block Head

    1. keepsmealive says:

      Me too, but I’m pretty sure it’s because most users aren’t ‘free’ users like me, the majority are folks who pay for and make their own sites using it. So the knowledge of “how-to” is assumed.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. keepsmealive says:

      OK, I just tried this (without posting… I’ll try for tomorrow’s post):

      Go to Add New Post. When the page loads, under the + sign at the top of the page, choose Classic. It gives the classic editor and the old toolbars. Man, I hope that works!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. keepsmealive says:

          OK so I clicked Posts on the lefthand sidebar and got All Posts, Add New, Categories, and Tags. No classic editor. Or did you mean somewhere different when you said “when u go into your posts”?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. deKE says:

            sorry meant all posts…u will see classic editor there when you click one of your posts. Edit-Classic Editor-Quick Edit-Copy all show up…
            thats my story and I’m sticking too it


            1. keepsmealive says:

              OMG yesssss… THANK YOU!

              One thing I noticed: it wouldn’t load comments in the classic view so I could send this to you. I had to go back to the new one to write this. Still a win. Cheers!


            2. keepsmealive says:

              So I’ve discovered that you have to create the post and save it as a draft, then go back to All Posts, switch the view to classic and THEN it’ll work. Good job on the ease of use, WP! Lol.

              Liked by 1 person

                1. keepsmealive says:

                  No problem, I am learning new things! I also figured out you can make the block editor a bit more palatable by going to the three vertical dots at the top right of the new post and choosing to have the toolbar stay at the top of the page. That way it’s not in the way of everything the whole time.

                  Liked by 1 person

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