
Ive already ranted somewhere in these pages (since 2006) that my general dislike of Sarah McLachlan’s music was largely due to some overzealous fans, who clung to her like she was some sort of g-d we must all worship and lo we must never take her name in vain lest we be looked down upon by our betters (her fans). Ugh, relax, morons. Anyway. It’s also just not generally what I’d choose to put on when I want some tunes.

This compilation, Closer: The Best Of Sarah McLachlan (2008) turned up in the box of Brother Craig goodies, so I braced myself and forged ahead. I’ll be honest, this was a lot of Sarah McLachlan for me. I found I just stopped listening after a few tracks, and because I am here for you, Dear Readers, I wanted to give it at least enough attention to feel like I’d really heard it. So I had to get through it in a couple of sessions.

There were two new songs for the release, Don’t Give Up On Us, and U Want Me 2, the latter also appearing as the only single.

Look, there were a ton of songs (of the 16 total, 14 if you minus the new ones I surely didn’t know) that I knew, here, of course. It’s hard to live in this country and not hear her songs somewhere at some point. I suppose it is cool to have those songs all in one place in the (fairly unlikely) event that I ever need to hear them again. Spending this much time with this didn’t turn me into a new-convert fan, but I suppose I can see why folks would like it. Fair play.

14 thoughts on “Vox

        1. keepsmealive says:

          Well, I should be careful saying that, there might be some perfectly reasonable folks out there who enjoy their music. Maybe it’s just here in Canada where some of these eedjits elevate her to some sort of goddess and bristle (especially as a man) if you dare even mention her name because surely you don’t know her like they do. Eedjits.

          Liked by 1 person

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