2023 Top 5 Master Grail List Items For Aaron

I thought it would be fun to use a picture of the holy grail from the third Indiana Jones movie, but now I realize that he (spoiler alert) found it but ultimately did not retrieve it. This was probably the worst picture to use. Good job, Aaron, yeesh lol.

Hey Folks! Here’s a reminder about the KMA’s Master Grail List. What is it? Well, we all have those items we seek that we’ve never found, or are only at ridiculous prices. Not the ones you might like someday, or you can get but they’re a bit high in price. This list means the Holy Grail items, the impossible dreams. Those extraordinary items go on this list for all to see, because you never know when someone will be out in their town and see your item in their local shoppe at a reasonable price and can hook you up. It’s an ultimate Community effort! Check out the link at the top of this page. 

If you don’t have a list and have impossible items to get, let us know and we’ll add you. If you have list and it needs updating, let us know and it’ll get done. Whatever else you do, copy the list to your phone for when you’re out and about. You never know when you can make someone’s year!


So, I was looking at my Grail list, and there are many items that would thrill me if I found them. That’s why they’re on there. However, here are the five I’d consider my Most Wanted:

1 – Tolan McNeil and Carolyn Mark – At Home On Tour

I’ve only ever seen this in the wild once, in Saskatoon, and James scooped it before I could. This one tops the list above all others, for sure. It’s the only Carolyn Mark I do not have.

2 – Tolan McNeil – Give ‘Er

Same as #1, this one is next to impossible, likely completely improbable, but someday, maybe…

3 – Blue Rodeo – Live In Stratford 2006-01-13

I have the Live In Stratford 2006-01-14, but knowing this one, recorded the previous night, is out there somewhere and could complete my Blue Rodeo collection haunts me…

4 – Refreshments – Wheelie

I love the Refreshments, and this early effort has never showed up in any of my travels. Copies online sell for crazy prices, too.

5 – Geoff Berner – Live In Oslo

I have all the other Geoff Berner albums (I think), and this one has never appeared anywhere. Maybe it was limited run, I dunno. 


Of course, anything else on the list is there for a reason, but these five are the ones I’d consider the top of the list, at the moment.

Thanks for Reading!

14 thoughts on “2023 Top 5 Master Grail List Items For Aaron

  1. mikeladano says:

    It’s kind of rare for a grail item to be hotly contested…but if we were in Toronto and saw it at the same time, we’d have to arm wrestle for it. I’d lose, but we’d still have to. LOL


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