Aaron Changes Things Up

Hey y’all, some changes around here, for me. The Schedule controls as best I can in busy days. Naturally, posting here is a part of it still, so…

  • I’m stopping the daily Memes at yesterday’s Vol. 50. They got more comments than the music posts (hm), but The Schedule doesn’t allow time for two daily posts.
  • I’ve created a new series I call ‘Photo, Album.’ First one posts today, after this one. You’ll see.
  • All Apologies: It’s now April and I’ve barely Read anything of your posts. I truly do apologize for letting down the COMMUNITY. I’ve lost track of you all and it sucks.

Things are fine, here, just busy and getting busier. The Schedule controls it all. I’m hoping consolidating will help with that. Thanks for Reading!


PS: Don’t worry about The Schedule. It’s not evil. It’s essential. Through discipline and organization comes completion of all the things that must be/want to be done.

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