Master Grail List Update Reminder

Perhaps if we built a large wooden badger…


Hey y’all, your friendly, neighbourhood Aaron of the KMA here.

I’m headed to Taranna in a minute. If you have a list on the KMA Master Grail List (found at the top of the KMA main page), please do check it and let me know (in the comments) if there needs to be any changes/updates to it. If you don’t yet have a list on the KMA Master Grail List, and there are items you’ve long sought, let me know (in the comments) and I’ll get it on there.

Remember, the KMA Master Grail List is not a vast shopping list of things you could probably get yourself with a little effort. It’s only for those impossible items, the ones that are stupid expensive in your area/online or just long gone in general. The rare stuff. By posting this list for all to see, we can all help each other by keeping our eyes peeled for those rare items. Never know when something found easily in your town can make the day of someone else in the Community!

Get your info to me (in the comments) in the next day or so!


Nice shrubbery…

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