Sunday Sweaty Sunday

So what did you do with your Sunday?

I’ll bet it was awesome, but I’m sure it wasn’t as awesome as hanging out with James in downtown Taranna!

Not a flattering picture of Aaron at all. Nope. James is lookin’ sharp, though!

Yup. My Dad and I had long ago booked yesterday to go downtown and hang out for the first time in ages. James was, coincidentally, in town for the wrasslin’ and because he rules, and the stars aligned and we were able to hook up for lunch and, as tradition would indicate, an afternoon prowl of the record shoppes! YES.

NB: Sadly, for y’all, I did not find anything from the Master Grail List in the time we had to dig. Next time!

It was SO HOT AND HUMID but we are intrepid and it was brilliant how easily we can fall into our old hang out reflexes. It’s because James is one of the good guys, natch! He’s also very patient – he listens quietly while I gibber away and walk 100 miles an hour ahead of him… and I’ve slowed down, I swear! Anyway.

Also, it was the Pride parade day, and there was a Blue Jays game on, and the aforementioned wrasslin’ was impending in the evening. The city was hopping. We had road closures on the way downtown, and detours to get back out on the way home, but it was all worth it.

What else? Oh yeah, there’s a mayoral vote in Taranna. Honestly, this guy has my vote:

Vote Trash Panda.

Hm. What else? Oh yeah, I bought a few things. I will tell you tales. But for now, here’s what I found:

Bruce looks on…

Stay tuned, Dear Readers… stay tuned…

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