Ease On Down The Road

As I said in my recent Taranna recap post, I plugged a token into the Sonic Boom Phonomat and took my chances on a random 7″ record. The previous two times I’ve gotten Billy Idol and Elvis Presley, and this time I got:

Yup, it’s Diana Ross and Michael Jackson’s Ease On Down The Road b/w Poppy Girls (1978), from The Wiz.

A cool curio for the collection!

13 thoughts on “Ease On Down The Road

      1. Daddydinorawk says:

        I will go ahead right here and do that. I saw it in the theaters I must have been 5. Still tot his day, possibly the weirdest movie I have EVER seen. I still have nightmares.


  1. Jex Russell - Pop Culture Nut says:

    I’ve often heard about “The Wiz”, even knew the lines from the chorus of “Ease On Down”, but never actually seen or heard it. Clicked the link, and it’s actually some catchy stuff. I’ll have to track down a DVD copy of the movie to watch with the kids…


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