The Playlist

Whenever I take our empties back to the beer store for refund, I always grab the free Chill Magazine while I’m there. It’s dumb, but if we ever need to start a fire we’ll have paper on-hand for kindling.

I recently snagged the September 2013 issue (in mid-October. So current!), and found an article (on pg. 32/33) about Canada’s illegal music downloading… with an accompanying little blurb about the Top 10 Most Downloaded Rock Songs By Canadians. This list is according to something called the Music-Chart. Now, it doesn’t say if this is Of All Time, or in 2013, or just what parameters they used to determine this. But whatever, let’s have a look-see…

10. Survivor – Eye Of The Tiger. Haha really? Seriously, in this day and age? Wow.

09. Eagles – Hotel California. Yeah, I can see this being here. Even just for those dueling guitars at the end.

08. AC/DC – Back In Black. Until I replaced my copy recently, I thought I was the only person in the world who didn’t own a copy of this.

07. Pop Evil – Trenches. I had to youtube this, not knowing it by title. Played it, still didn’t know it. Sounds like it would have been popular on rawk radio ten years ago. And the video is really sort of silly. Who cares if it’s in Sweden? I don’t understand the relevance, and if there is any I can’t be arsed to go find out. And I get that she’s working out so she can kick her deadbeat boyfriend’s ass if he ever hits her again, but we never get to see her do it. I dunno. I’m glad other people like it.

06. AC/DC – You Shook Me All Night Long. See comment on #08.

05. Head Of The Herd (f. Jasmin Parkin) – By This Time Tomorrow. Another one I had to look up on the youtubes, and it’s a nice enough bluesy rawk stomper track. They repeated the title often enough, though, that by this time tomorrow I’ll be sure I won’t need to hear it again too soon.

04. AC/DC – Thunderstruck. Again with these guys.

03. Shinedown – I’ll Follow You. Third track of ten that I had to hear for the first time, on the youtubes. Maudlin ballad track. Meh.

02. Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’. None of us are surprised that this track is here.

01. Kid Rock – All Summer Long. I’ve heard some of his songs but I didn’t think I’d heard this one… until I looked it up. Oh yeah. The horribly-repetitive  Lynyrd Skynyrd-sample song. No thanks.

In sum:

I don’t know what to make of this list, really. I just thought Id post it and maybe it’d generate some discussion. Or maybe it won’t. But if someone had asked me to try to guess the top ten songs we Canucks have downloaded, I don’t know if I’d have guessed any of these.

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