Grail List Addition

So apparently (and maybe I’m failing at looking up records online), a record I really really really want (and did not see in Taranna, which I thought I would) is fairly hard to find? I saw tons by this particular artist, but not this one.

So I’m adding it to the Grail List. Because if you guys see it, I totally wants it.

Ryan Adams – Heartbreaker. On CD.


39 thoughts on “Grail List Addition

                  1. keepsmealive says:

                    I sure do remember that. Haha I think I could eat that entire thing without breathing, let along restraining myself from devouring the whole thing! You’re a model of restraint.


                  2. keepsmealive says:

                    And Scotty’s probably rolling his eyes at what we call ‘chocolate.’ I remember when I was in the UK, it tasted a lot better. Someone told me it comes from Belgium, not Hershey, PA. If that’s true or not, they’ve got some mighty fine chocolate over there.


                    1. Sarca says:

                      Well, if there is a British Imports store, I am all over that funky jazz. They’ll sell the Imported Brit Cadbury chocolate which is awesome.
                      I know that some chocolate prods are unique to Canada – Crispy Crunch, Smarties, Coffee Crisp – Canadian. And you couldn’t pull those from my death grip if you tried!


                  3. keepsmealive says:

                    Our Bulk Barn has some Brit chocolate bars. Heck, even our Wally has a section.

                    When our friends moved to Connecticut, the one thing she asked us to bring with us when we went to visit was Smarties. I took those 4-packs of boxes…

                    Oof. Coffee Crisp. It’s like if I eat one, I wanna eat the whole goddamn box. So good.


                    1. Sarca says:

                      I was gonna say Coffee Crisp was my mom’s jam. She was always on a diet, but would get herself a coffee crisp, ’cause sometimes you just need a little something…she’d hide it in a salad bowl on the top shelf in the kitchen. I found it one day looking for something else, and called her out. But, I totally got it. I feel that way sometimes! haha


                    1. Sarca says:

                      The description sounds like kit kat. Anyway, that looks awesome.
                      I am the candy gal. Always have been…probably always will be.
                      How the hell did this start from Ryan Adams and slide into Candyland? LOL


              1. Sarca says:

                Gawd, I haven’t had chocolate bar ice cream in like FOREVER! K is a plain guy (vanilla). I like all kinds of flavours. He finds drumsticks and chocolate bar ice cream way too sweet. It’s actually a good thing. I’d prolly be 300 lbs if it weren’t for him keeping me on track.


                1. keepsmealive says:

                  Chapman’s makes really awesome frozen yogurt that you’d swear was ice cream. But look at the differences… we buy that because we prefer it, actually, but it ain’t do the kids as much harm either so that’s good. They make a black cherry one, with a bit o’ chocolate on it… look out.


                  1. Sarca says:

                    I am all over Chapman’s! And they’re Canadian, which is great!
                    We buy ice cream so infrequently. This summer I bought these mini Chapman’s ice cream bars on a stick dipped in chocolate. Delish! I liked them because they were small.


                    1. keepsmealive says:

                      Made just down the road from here! Great local reputation, too. Did you hear when their plant burned down, they paid their entire staff for the entire time it took for them to rebuild and get back to work? Yup.


                    2. keepsmealive says:

                      You betcha. I keep telling my brother-in-law he should apply there, he’s got lots of experience and then he’d live closer to us! So far, no luck in getting him to do it. 😉

                      Yeah, definitely the frozen yogurt over the ice cream. Someday, the kids are gonna realize they’ve been eating way better for them than they could have been, try the real stuff and say HEY! But until then, they’re happy like crazy to get the frozen yogurt. They still call it ice cream.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      I don’t even know if this is different editions. As long as all the album tracks are there, I’m cool with that!

      I looked on Discogs, and what threw me was it comes up as Posted Newest editions, and prices looked high when I scrolled down. If I make it lowest price first, it isn’t bad though a lot of places kill on shipping. If you see it in shops before I bite that bullet, lemme know! I’d love to hear those songs again. Thanks!


        1. keepsmealive says:

          Could be because he releases so much? The Dude really is prolific. Maybe the label can’t keep them all going at once, who knows.

          A reissue would be cool. Of course, that’ll only happen after I get the original! 🙂 And I don’t care. I just remember that being a very good record.


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