Four Horsemen – Welfare Boogie (21st Anniversary Edition)

‘Twas Mike who sent me this disc (thanks Dude!) and who requested I get it covered in these pages. What took me so long to get to this EP? I dunno. Hence the IOU Series! Here’s an 80-word blast… Holy AC/DC, Batman! Let’s get it!

four-horsemen-welfare-boogieI can smell the cigarette smoke and beer pong in the air, I can see black leather jackets and big-haired women in pants that were too tight on them ten years ago. I can see the band on stage, rockin’ while the crowd pumps fists in the air…

Like AC/DC before them, it takes a special band to make the typical 12-bar blues sweaty, swaggering and Four Horsemen manage it easily.

Go get you some of this!


PS: This one contains 4 studio tracks and 5 demo versions of other songs. For a real review of it, GO READ MIKE’S!

10 thoughts on “Four Horsemen – Welfare Boogie (21st Anniversary Edition)

  1. J. says:

    Jings. If playing this means the place smells of smoke and beer and there’s too tight pant wearing big haired woman hanging around I might give it a miss! 😉


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