Henry Rollins Presents… Rise Above: 24 Black Flag Songs To Benefit The West Memphis Three 5 Track Promo/Interview Disc

After a break, and a few posts in between (thanks for waiting and for Reading!), here we finally have my last score from the Toasty Taranna trip, and it’s a doozy! 

Next up after this will be my finds from my trip to Taranna after my trip with Mike, but I don’t think I’m gonna keep track and number everything, as I’m sure the only one keeping track is me and it surely doesn’t matter or affect anything anyway. I’ll just say ‘hey I got this in Taranna’ and we can all get on with our lives. Cool? Cool.

Toasty Taranna #28: Sonic Boom #12: Henry Rollins Presents… Rise Above: 24 Black Flag Songs To Benefit The West Memphis Three 5 Track Promo/Interview Disc

ROLLINS! Yes, if I ever see anything Rollins that I do not already own, I snap it up. Still a big fan, after all these years.

Now, I own the official Rise Above disc, and have already covered it at some point in these pages. But this promo disc is interesting. The track titles oughta give you an idea of what’s here:

I already own the album tracks, but the talking sections are great because Rollins talking is always interesting and energizing, and it’s cool to hear the man himself talk about how this whole project came about.

Hit It Or Quit It? ROLLINS!

18 thoughts on “Henry Rollins Presents… Rise Above: 24 Black Flag Songs To Benefit The West Memphis Three 5 Track Promo/Interview Disc

  1. Zack says:

    Seems like a great find, but I probably would have passed on it because the West Memphis Three always seemed guilty to me. I think I’m in the minority with that opinion.


    1. keepsmealive says:

      It is an interesting case, but the new evidence was enough to see them out after 18 years served. I’m not an expert on it, but I assume the court was meticulous based on information presented.

      If you’d passed this over, you’d miss out on some GREAT music, and a cool Rollins rarity to boot! 🙂


    1. keepsmealive says:

      Me too! 1) It’s ROLLINS! 2) Collectibles like these definitely do not appear every day, that’s for sure. 3) This was an important project and I’ve always admired him for getting out there and doing something about that situation. 4) It’s neat to hear him talk about this project and the tracks and how they came about. 5) It fucking rocks. 6) It’s ROLLINS!

      Liked by 1 person

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