In Which I Finally Post About Meeting Up With Mike And His Lovely Wife In Southampton A While Back

Mike already covered this, with aplomb (natch), RIGHT HERE GO READ IT.

Far (far, far, far) too long since I’d seen these fine folks, and with a beautiful day, a fantastic meal, and all sorts of catching up going on, it was a great time indeed. My son truly enjoyed it too! I didn’t take any pictures, Mike had that covered.

And, of course, it wouldn’t be a visit with Mike without some stuffs trading hands. Look at this majesty!

My fave Nirvana album, from the original tapes. Oh baby.

Oh yessss…

Live set was 1990-02-09!

And there was more!

I saw these guys in concert around the time of this album. Cool!

And there was more!!

Polychuck! Awesome. It was really hard to photograph this cover, hence the hand.

And there was more!!!


Suuuuperdeeeekes stiiiickerrrrr!!


In Sum: So awesome. Thanks so much to Mike and Jen for a lovely meet-up and good times and great eats and fantastic majestic goodies!!! Hopefully we can meet up again soon. Cheers!


Thanks for Reading!

2 thoughts on “In Which I Finally Post About Meeting Up With Mike And His Lovely Wife In Southampton A While Back

    1. keepsmealive says:

      With Mike, I’ve never really been aware that we’re aging. It’s still like it’s 1997, you know? Lol. I’m looking forward to digging into that HS album for sure. I probably heard some of it live back in the day but I sure would remember any of it now, likely.


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